God Does Not Forsake His People 05
1. The Bible states in many passages that "God does not forsake His people." a. (Deuteronomy 31:6) Moses assured the Israelites that God would not forsake them. b. (Joshua 1:5) God said that He would not forsake Joshua. c. (1 Chronicles 28:20) David assured Solomon that God would not forsake him. d. (Hebrews 13:5-6) Christians are assured that God will not forsake us. 2. Even though God does not forsake His people, difficult experiences have caused some of His greatest servants to struggle with this issue. 3. By studying these Bible characters we can learn information that will help us maintain our confidence in God's faithfulness throughout the New Year. 4. Previously, we have examined Job, David, Naomi, and Elijah. 5. In this lesson we are concentrating on John the Baptist. Discussion: I. GOD GAVE JOHN A SPECIAL MISSION A. John's mission was prophesied in: 1. Isaiah 40:3 [Matthew 3:1-3] 2. Malachi 3:1 [Mark 1:1-4] 3. Malachi 4:5-6 [Matthew 11:14]. B. John's mission was to "bear witness" of Jesus (John 1:6-8). C. As John fulfilled his mission, he: 1. preached, baptized, and announced the coming of Christ (Mark 1:4-7) 2. identified Jesus as: a. "the Lamb of God" (John 1:29-30) b. "the Son of God" (John 1:32-34) 3. pointed people to Jesus (John 1:35-37). II. JESUS HIGHLY COMMENDED JOHN (Matthew 11:7-11) III. ALTHOUGH JOHN DID NOT STOP BELIEVING IN GOD, HE WAS AFFECTED BY AN UNPLEASANT EXPERIENCE A. John was put in prison because he rebuked Herod for his relationship with his brother's wife (Matthew 14:3-4). B. While John was in prison,: 1. he heard about "the works of Christ" (Matthew 11:2a; Luke 7:16-18) 2. he sent 2 of his disciples to ask Jesus a question (Matthew 11:2b-3). IV. JESUS SENT A MESSAGE TO JOHN (Matthew 11:4-6) A. (vs.4) Jesus instructed John's disciples to tell him "again" about the things they heard and saw (Luke 7:20-21). B. (vs.5) Jesus listed a number of great works He was doing. C. (vs.6) Jesus said that those who are not offended in Him will be blessed. V. APPLICATION A. Jesus' works serve as evidence to prove that He is God's Son (John 5:36; 10:25). B. Many of Jesus' works have been recorded for our benefit (John 20:30-31). C. When we have questions, as John had, let us read and meditate upon passages that show how Jesus: 1. gave sight to the blind (Matthew 9:27-31) 2. caused the lame to walk (John 5:1-9) 3. cleansed lepers (Matthew 8:1-3) 4. caused the deaf to hear (Mark 7:31-37) 5. raised the dead (Luke 7:12-16) 6. preached the Gospel to the poor (Luke 4:16-22). D. Let us also remember that the Lord will bless those who do not stumble (Revelation 2:10-11). |