The Door of Opportunity
1. The word "door" is used in various ways in the Bible. 2. For example,: a. the Bible often mentions a literal "door" [a barrier used to open and close an entryway] (Mark 2:1-2) b. Jesus referred to Himself as "the door" in a figurative sense (John 10:7, 9) c. "door" sometimes refers to a special opportunity. 3. In our lesson we are studying passages that mention "the door of opportunity." 4. By studying these verses we can learn useful information that relates to opportunities. 5. Let us remember and apply this information as we go through 2017. Discussion: I. ACTS 14:26-27 A. We read about the missionary journey of Paul and Barnabas in Acts 13-14. B. (Acts 13:1-3) This journey began in Antioch. C. (Acts 14:26) When Paul and Barnabas completed this journey they returned to Antioch. D. (Acts 14:27) They reported to the church about how God had opened "the door of faith unto the Gentiles" (Acts 13:14-16, 42, 44-48). II. 1 CORINTHIANS 16:7-9 A. (vs.7) Paul planned to make an extended visit to Corinth. B. However, he stated in vs.8-9a that he would remain in Ephesus because "a great door and effectual" [a great and effective door] had been opened to him. C. He also stated in vs.9b that he faced "many adversaries." D. We read about Paul's work in Ephesus in Acts 19. 1. After arriving in Ephesus he taught 12 men who were baptized (vs.5-7). 2. He continued preaching in the synagogue (vs.8). 3. His adversaries are mentioned in vs.9. 4. Because Paul remained in Ephesus, many people were taught (vs.10). III. 2 CORINTHIANS 2:12 A. Paul went to Troas to preach the Gospel of Christ. B. While Paul was in Troas the Lord opened "a door" for him. IV. COLOSSIANS 4:2-4 A. (vs.2-3a) Paul asked the Christians in Colosse to pray for him and his co-workers. B. (vs.3b-4) He specifically asked these Christians to pray that God would open "a door of utterance" to him and his friends. V. REVELATION 3:7-13 A. (vs.7) The Lord described Himself as the One who opens and shuts. B. (vs.8a) The Lord had given "an open door" to the church in Philadelphia. C. (vs.8b) The Lord explained why He had given this opportunity to this congregation. D. (vs.9-12) The Lord said He would bless and protect this church as it pursued its opportunity. E. (vs.13) The Lord wants us to hear this message. VI. APPLICATION A. We learn from all of these verses that God and Christ provide opportunities. B. We learn from 1 Corinthians 16:9 that adversaries sometimes accompany opportunities. 1. Satan is our chief adversary (1 Peter 5:8), but he sometimes works through people. 2. (Revelation 3:9-10) The Lord will enable His people to overcome adversaries. C. We learn from Colossians 4:3 that: 1. praying for God to open doors of opportunity is appropriate 2. opportunities may be given in least expected places -- Paul was in prison when he asked the Christians to pray that God would open "a door of utterance." D. We learn from Revelation 3:7-8 that the Lord knows the works of each congregation, and He removes opportunities, in addition to giving them. |