Keeping Ourselves unspotted from the world (Lesson 75)
1. In James 1:27 an important message is given to Christians -- "pure and undefiled religion before God" includes "keeping ourselves unspotted from the world." 2. In this lesson we are studying about a man named Simon (Acts 8:5-24). a. Simon became a Christian. b. Later, he allowed himself to be spotted by the world, but Peter told him how to receive God's forgiveness. c. Simon's example shows us how we can become free from the world's spots. 3. The first point we need to make is that . . . Discussion: I. SIMON BECAME A CHRISTIAN (Acts 8:5-13)
A. Philip reached many people in Samaria. 1. (vs.5) Philip went to Samaria where he preached Christ to the people there. 2. (vs.6-7) The people in Samaria listened to Philip's teaching because of the great works he performed. 3. (vs.12) Both men and women believed and were baptized (Mark 16:16). 4. We can understand why there was so much joy in Samaria (vs.8). B. (Acts 8:9-11) A sorcerer named Simon lived in Samaria. C. (Acts 8:13) Simon was converted -- he believed and was baptized (Mark 16:16). D. This brings us to our second point. E. After becoming a Christian, . . . II. SIMON BECAME SPOTTED BY THE WORLD, BUT HE WAS RESTORED (Acts 8:14-24)
A. (vs.14-17) Peter and John, apostles, were sent to Samaria. 1. Philip had taught the people in Samaria, and he had baptized them. 2. Philip was able to perform miracles because the apostles had earlier laid their hands on him (Acts 6:5-6). 3. However, Philip could not lay his hands on people so they could receive the Holy Spirit -- only the apostles could do this. 4. Peter and John prayed for the Christians in Samaria and laid their hands on them so they could receive the Holy Spirit. B. (vs.18-19) Simon made a mistake. 1. He wanted to be able to lay hands on people so they could receive the Holy Spirit. 2. He offered to buy this ability from Peter and John. C. (vs.20-23) Peter rebuked Simon. 1. (vs.20-21) Peter pointed out Simon's problem. 2. (vs.22) Peter told Simon what to do. 3. (vs.23) Peter revealed Simon's condition. D. Thankfully, Simon responded as he did in vs.24. III. ADDITIONAL PASSAGES THAT TEACH US HOW CHRISTIANS RECEIVE FORGIVENESS
A. (1 John 2:1-2) When we sin, we have an advocate with the Father. B. We are to "walk in the light" (1 John 1:7). C. We are to confess our sins (1 John 1:9; James 5:16). Conclusion:
1. From Acts 8 we have seen how Simon became a Christian and was later restored. 2. From Simon's conversion, we know how to become Christians. 3. From Simon's restoration, we know how Christians are made free from the world's spots. 4. For a closing thought, let us listen to Solomon's words of wisdom found in Proverbs 28:13.