Through Jesus the Blind Received Sight (Luke 4:14-21)
1. According to Luke 4:1-13, Jesus was tempted for a period of 40 days in the wilderness after He was baptized. 2. We learn from vs.14-15 that Jesus returned to Galilee after His temptation where He taught in the synagogues. 3. In vs.16-21, Luke tells us about an event that took place in the synagogue located in Nazareth where Jesus was raised. a. On the Sabbath Jesus went to the synagogue, and He was given an opportunity to read Scripture. b. Jesus read from the writings of Isaiah (61:1-2). c. Jesus pointed out from Isaiah's prophecy that He had come to accomplish several important objectives -- one was to give "sight to the blind." 4. The Gospels record a number of occasions when Jesus cured blindness. 5. In our lesson we are concentrating on one particular occasion that is recorded in John 9:1-7. 6. The first observation we need to make is that . . . Discussion: I. JESUS SAW THIS MAN AS HE "PASSED BY" (vs.1)
A. (8:20) Jesus had been teaching in the temple, and He called upon people to believe on Him. B. (8:30) As a result of the Lord's teaching, "many believed on him." C. (8:31-32) Jesus showed them how they could be His disciples and be free. D. (8:33-58) A very heated discussion followed. E. (8:59) The Jews attempted to stone Jesus, but He escaped and "passed by." F. As Jesus "passed by," He saw this blind man. 1. This man did not suffer blindness because of some accident. 2. He was born blind. II. (vs.2) THE DISCIPLES WANTED JESUS TO IDENTIFY WHO WAS RESPONSIBLE FOR THIS MAN'S BLINDNESS
A. They wanted Jesus to tell them whether the man was born blind because of his sin or the sin of his parents. B. Perhaps the disciples had been influenced by the Pharisees -- when they questioned the man they accused him of being "altogether born in sins" (vs.34). III. (vs.3-5) JESUS CONSIDERED THIS MAN'S BLINDNESS TO BE AN OPPORTUNITY TO DO THE WORK OF GOD
A. (vs.3a) Jesus first answered the disciples' question. B. (vs.3b) Jesus said "that the works of God should be made manifest in him." C. Jesus reacted as He did because: 1. He realized that He was personally responsible for doing the work God had given Him to do (vs.4a) 2. He realized that His time to accomplish His work was limited (vs.4b). D. (vs.5) Jesus also talked about being "the light of the world." IV. (vs.6-7) JESUS GAVE SIGHT TO THE MAN
A. (vs.6) Jesus made some clay and placed it on the man's eyes. B. (vs.7a) Jesus told the man what to do. C. (vs.7b) The man followed the Lord's instructions, and he was able to see.
A. According to the man who received his sight, this had never been done (vs.32). B. By performing such miracles, Jesus proved that He is God's Son (20:30-31). VI. WE CAN LEARN SOME IMPORTANT LESSONS FROM THE MAN WHO RECEIVED HIS SIGHT
A. This man could have acted like Naaman who was told how to be cured of leprosy (2 Kings 5:10-12). B. He did not argue, and he did not try to devise his own way to gain his sight. C. He simply did what Jesus told him to do. D. He did not delay in following the Lord's instructions. Conclusion:
1. In Luke 4:18 Jesus quoted from the writings of Isaiah to show that He came to give sight to the blind. 2. Later, Jesus said in Luke 19:10 that He also came "to seek and to save that which was lost." 3. Jesus tells us how to be saved in Mark 16:16. 4. Will you comply with the Lord's instructions like the man who was born blind?