1. The Bible contains many illustrations of the principle revealed in Romans 8:28. 2. For example, Genesis shows how all things worked together for good in Joseph's life. 3. In this lesson we are covering the information presented in ch.42. 4. There are several things we must keep in mind. a. (15:13-14) God told Abraham that his descendants would live in a foreign land 400 years -- the stage was being set for that promise to be fulfilled. b. (37:5-11) Joseph had 2 dreams which indicated that his family would bow before him. c. (ch.41) Joseph interpreted Pharaoh's dreams and became the second ruler in Egypt. 1) Joseph was put in charge of storing up grain for the famine. 2) (vs.56-57) The effect of the famine was widespread. 5. In ch.42, Joseph's brothers traveled to Egypt to buy grain. Discussion: I. (vs.1-5) IN CANAAN, JACOB AND HIS FAMILY WERE AFFECTED BY THE FAMINE
A. Jacob heard that grain was available in Egypt. B. He instructed ten of his sons to travel to Egypt and purchase grain so they could live. II. (vs.6) JACOB'S SONS APPEARED BEFORE JOSEPH
A. Whoever came to Egypt to buy grain had to deal with Joseph. B. Notice that Joseph's brothers bowed before him -- his dream came to pass. III. (vs.7-13) JOSEPH INTERROGATED HIS BROTHERS
A. Joseph recognized his brothers, but they did not recognize him. B. (vs.23) Joseph concealed his identity by speaking to his brothers through an interpreter. C. Joseph accused his brothers of being spies. D. They denied being spies, but as they talked to Joseph they let him know several things. 1. They let Joseph know that Jacob was still alive. 2. They also let Joseph know that Benjamin was with Jacob. IV. (vs.14-20) JOSEPH PRESENTED HIS PLAN TO DETERMINE WHETHER HIS BROTHERS WERE SPIES
A. (vs.14-17) He first said that one of his brothers would be allowed to return to Canaan so he could bring Benjamin to Egypt. B. (vs.18-20) After three days Joseph said he would keep one of his brothers in prison while the others brought Benjamin from Canaan to Egypt. V. (vs.21-24) JOSEPH'S BROTHERS REMEMBERED WHAT THEY HAD DONE TO HIM
A. About 22 years had passed, but they remembered how Joseph felt when they mistreated him. B. Reuben reminded his brothers that he had tried to rescue Joseph. C. Their consciences were hurting them. D. Joseph understood what they were saying, and he had to leave so he could cry. E. Joseph returned and had Simeon bound. VI. (vs.25-28) SOMETHING ELSE HAPPENED TO MAKE JOSEPH'S BROTHERS THINK THAT GOD WAS PUNISHING THEM
A. Joseph gave grain to his brothers, and he had their money put in the containers with the grain. B. When one brother found his money they were afraid, wondering what God was doing to them. VII. (vs.29-34) JACOB'S SONS TOLD HIM WHAT HAD HAPPENED VIII. (vs.35-38) JACOB'S REACTION
A. Jacob also became afraid. B. He was concerned that everything had turned against him. C. Even though Reuben offered to give his two sons to his father, Jacob refused to allow Benjamin to go to Egypt. 1. In his mind he had already lost Joseph and Simeon. 2. He could not bear the thought of losing Benjamin.