1. According to this verse, the Lord's people in Troas came together for the purpose of "breaking bread." 2. As we examine the Scriptures we see that "breaking bread" is a very important activity in the Lord's church. 3. We occasionally need to be reminded of the teaching in the Bible on this activity. 4. As we go through our lesson we will see why Memorial Day weekend is a good time to study this subject. Discussion: I. FROM THE CHURCH'S BEGINNING ITS MEMBERS PARTICIPATED IN BREAKING BREAD
A. We learn from Acts 2:42 that the Lord's people in Jerusalem "continued steadfastly" [gave constant attention to] in 4 activities, one of which was "breaking of bread." B. Later (Acts 20:7), the disciples in Troas assembled to participate in the same activity. C. Since this is such an important activity in the church, . . . II. LET US IDENTIFY "BREAKING BREAD"
A. "Breaking bread" actually refers to 2 activities. 1. Sometimes it refers to eating a meal (Acts 2:46; 20:11; 27:35). 2. This expression is also used to refer to eating the Lord's Supper (Acts 2:42; 20:7; 1 Corinthians 10:16). 3. In the early church both activities were emphasized. B. In our lesson we are especially interested in passages that relate to "breaking bread" in the sense of eating the Lord's Supper. III. SHORTLY BEFORE HE WAS CRUCIFIED JESUS GAVE INSTRUCTIONS FOR BREAKING BREAD IN THE SENSE OF EATING HIS SUPPER
A. The Lord's instructions are given in: 1. Matthew 26:26-29 2. Mark 14:22-25 3. Luke 22:14-20 4. 1 Corinthians 11:23-26. B. The Lord gave these instructions so His followers will always remember His sacrifice (John 15:13). IV. WE LEARN FROM ACTS 20:7 THAT BREAD IS TO BE BROKEN IN THE CHURCH ON "THE FIRST DAY OF THE WEEK"
A. Paul, an inspired apostle, endorsed this practice. B. This an illustration of how the Bible authorizes through "example." C. "The first day of the week" is also the time for participating in another act of worship -- "giving" (1 Corinthians 16:1-2). Conclusion:
1. We have seen that "breaking bread" [eating the Lord's Supper] is an act of Christian worship. 2. Since this is the case, we must apply the Lord's requirements for worship in John 4:24. 3. Lord willing, this evening we will study a text of Scripture that emphasizes "breaking bread properly." 4. "Breaking bread" is a special activity for "the Lord's disciples" (Acts 20:7). 5. Have you become a disciple of the Lord?