1. In these verses we read about an event that occurred near the end of the Lord's ministry. 2. A woman named Mary did a good deed on behalf of the Lord. 3. In His response Jesus indicated that "Mary's good deed is a memorial." 4. As we study, let us keep in mind what is written in Hebrews 13:16. 5. Let us begin by taking a look at . . . Discussion: I. THE SETTING
A. For some time, Jesus had been revealing what would happen to Him (10:32-34). B. As ch.14 begins, the time for these things to occur was very near. C. We learn from 14:1-2 that the leaders of the Jews were plotting to kill Jesus. D. This brings us to the verses we are studying -- Mark 14:3-9. E. For the complete picture of what happened we also need to consider the information presented in John 12:1-8. II. MARK 14:3-9
A. (vs.3) Jesus was in Bethany, located near Jerusalem. 1. He was in the home of a man named Simon. 2. He was there for a meal. 3. A family that Jesus dearly loved was present (Lazarus, Martha, and Mary). a. (John 12:2) Lazarus, whom Jesus had raised from the dead, was at the table with Jesus. b. Martha was serving (she and her sister are contrasted in Luke 10:38-42). c. Mary was about to do something else that would not be taken away from her. 4. Mary, according to John 12:3, was the woman who poured the expensive ointment on Jesus. a. Mark tells us that Mary poured the ointment on the Lord's head. b. John tells us that Mary also poured it on His feet, and she wiped His feet with her hair. B. (vs.4-5) Unfortunately, everyone did not appreciate this act of kindness. 1. Mary's action was considered to be a waste. 2. The suggestion was made that the ointment could have been sold and the proceeds given to the poor. 3. This complaint actually came from Judas (John 12:4-6). 4. While some were murmuring against her, . . . C. (vs.6-9) Jesus was pleased with Mary's act of service. 1. He told the disciples to leave her alone. 2. They would always be able to help the poor, but Jesus would only be with them for a short time. 3. Jesus commended Mary for doing what she could do. 4. He then said something very special about Mary in vs.9. III. APPLICATION
A. In Romans 12:4-8, the Bible teaches us that the Lord wants us to do what we are capable of doing to the best of our ability -- this relates to using our talents and abilities. B. According to Matthew 25:40, when we do these things we are performing good works for the Lord as Mary did. C. The Bible teaches in Hebrews 6:10 that God will remember such good works. Conclusion:
1. Mary performed a very special act of service on Jesus' behalf. 2. Jesus said it would be "spoken of for a memorial of her." 3. When we fulfill our responsibilities to the Lord and our fellow man, it will be remembered.