Let Us Learn about Forgiveness from the Lord (Acts 1:1)
1. As Luke began the book of Acts he referred to his Gospel ["former treatise"]. 2. In his Gospel, Luke wrote about "all that Jesus began both to do and teach" [what Jesus did and what He taught]. 3. To know the Lord's will on any subject, we need to study passages that reveal His example as well as His teaching. 4. In our lesson we are concentrating on the Lord's will concerning forgiveness. 5. As we search the Scriptures, "let us learn about forgiveness from the Lord." Discussion: I. LET US FIRST EXAMINE THE LORD'S EXAMPLE
A. Jesus demonstrated His divine authority when He forgave sins during His ministry. 1. He forgave the sins of the man afflicted with palsy (Luke 5:18-25). 2. He forgave the sins of the woman who anointed His feet (Luke 7:47-50). 3. He forgave the sins of the thief who was crucified with Him (Luke 23:42-43). B. Jesus practiced what He preached when He asked the Father to forgive those who crucified Him (Luke 23:34). C. After looking at His example, . . . II. LET US NEXT EXAMINE THE LORD'S TEACHING
A. Jesus taught His followers: 1. to ask God for forgiveness (Luke 11:1-4) 2. to forgive each other. a. Luke 17:3-4 b. Matthew 18:21-22 B. Jesus showed that God's forgiveness is dependent upon the willingness of His followers to forgive each other. a. He emphasized this point after giving the model prayer (Matthew 6:14-15). b. He also emphasized this point in a parable (Matthew 18:23-35). 1) There are 3 main characters in this parable: a king and 2 servants. a) One servant owed the king 10,000 talents, a debt he could not repay. b) The other servant owed his fellow servant 100 pence, an insignificant debt. 2) (vs.23) The king took account of his servants. 3) (vs.24) The servant who owed 10,000 talents was brought before the king. 4) (vs.25) Since he could not repay his debt, he, his family, and his possessions were to be sold. 5) (vs.26) The servant asked the king for patience. 6) (vs.27) The king's compassion led him to forgive the debt. 7) (vs.28-30) This servant would not forgive his fellow servant who owed him 100 pence. 8) (vs.31-34) After the king found out what happened, he punished the unforgiving servant. 9) (vs.35) Jesus concluded by making His point very clear. Conclusion:
1. We have examined the Lord's example and His teaching concerning "forgiveness." 2. Let us conclude with the Lord's instructions given in: a. Ephesians 4:31-32 b. Colossians 3:12-13.