1. In Romans 13:7 we are instructed to render "to all their dues." 2. This morning we studied 2 of the dues that we are to render to the government, including "subjection" and "prayer." 3. In addition to rendering our dues to the government, in Luke 20:25 Jesus taught us to render our dues to God. 4. In our lesson we are concerned with the dues that we are to render to God.
A. The chief priests and scribes were involved in a plot against Jesus. 1. (19:45-48) They were already upset with Jesus. 2. (20:1-8) They questioned Jesus about His authority, but He answered them wisely. 3. (20:19) After Jesus told a parable, the priests and scribes wanted "to lay hands on Him." 4. (20:20a) These men sent spies to try to find something that could be used against Jesus. 5. (20:20b) They wanted to deliver Jesus to the governor. B. (vs.21-22) A question was presented to Jesus. 1. Notice how flattery was used (vs.21). 2. The question (vs.22) had to do with paying tribute to Caesar. 3. (Matthew 22:16) The people who asked this question were: a. the disciples of the Pharisees (representing the religious law) b. the Herodians (representing the civil law). 4. It seems that the priests and scribes thought they would have something they could use against Jesus, regardless of how He answered. C. (vs.23-25) Jesus answered this question. 1. Jesus knew what these people were up to -- "He perceived their craftiness." 2. He first asked why they were tempting Him. 3. He used a piece of money to show that dues relating to the government are to be rendered as well as dues relating to God. D. (vs.26) The Lord answered this question in such a way that nothing could be used against Him. E. To review, our dues to the government include "subjection" and "prayer."
A. One due is to love God. 1. Despite what a person may say, his response to God's commandments is a true indication of his love for God (1 John 2:3-5). 2. To have a right relationship with God, it is imperative that we keep His commandments (1 John 3:22-24). 3. A person who truly loves God will not consider His commandments to be burdensome (1 John 5:3). 4. A special blessing is reserved for those who render this due to God (Revelation 22:14). B. The other due is to love our neighbors as ourselves. 1. We learn what this involves in Matthew 7:12. 2. Jesus illustrated this in His parable of the Good Samaritan (Luke 10:25-37).
1. As Romans 13:7 teaches, let us render to all their dues. 2. Let us render: a. our dues to the government b. our dues to God.