Let Us Give Attention to Hearing God's Word (Luke 11:27-28)
1. On this occasion a woman pronounced a blessing upon the Lord's mother. 2. Jesus responded by showing how everyone can be blessed -- by hearing God's Word and keeping it. 3. Jesus made a similar statement earlier in Luke 8:19-21 -- He identified His relatives as those who hear God's Word and do it. 4. With these statements of our Lord in mind, "let us give attention to hearing God's Word." 5. The first point we need to make is that . . . Discussion: I. THERE ARE BASICALLY 4 WAYS OF HEARING GOD'S WORD
A. (Luke 8) Jesus taught a parable in which He illustrated this point. 1. (vs.5-8) A sower sowed his seed on 4 kinds of ground, including: a. wayside ground b. rocky ground c. ground infested with thorns d. good ground. 2. (vs.11-15) Jesus explained that these 4 types of ground represent 4 kinds of hearers. a. (vs.12) One kind of hearer is compared to the wayside ground. b. (vs.13) A second kind of hearer is compared to the rocky ground. c. (vs.14) A third kind of hearer is compared to the ground infested with thorns. d. (vs.15) A fourth kind of hearer is compared to the good ground. 3. Please note that only the good ground produced fruit. B. Since God's Word may be heard in different ways, we must pay careful attention to the Lord's warning in Luke 8:18 -- "Take heed therefore how ye hear." II. HOW TO HEAR GOD'S WORD PROPERLY
A. We must hear with understanding. 1. (Matthew 15:10) As Jesus taught a multitude of people, He began by saying, "Hear, and understand." 2. (Matthew 13:19) One who hears like the wayside ground does not understand what he hears. 3. (Ephesians 3:4) We can read, and we can understand God's Word. 4. In order to hear with understanding, we must hear with the right attitude, and we must have a desire to understand (Psalm 119:18). 5. We need to seek help with things that are challenging. B. We must hear with eagerness but also with discernment (Acts 17:11). C. We must hear with a meek [humble] spirit. 1. See James 1:21 2. As we hear, we must avoid hardening our hearts (Hebrews 3:7-8, 15; 4:7). D. As we hear, we must obey (James 1:22-25). Conclusion:
1. Let us hear God's Word as Jesus taught us to hear it. 2. The salvation of our souls is at stake. 3. Let us hear the Word, understand it, and allow it to produce fruit in our lives. 4. We will be blessed in return.