The Day of the Lord Will Be the Last Day (John 6:39-40)
1. This morning we studied passages that relate to "the day of the Lord." 2. This evening we are studying passages that relate to "the last day." 3. We will see that "the day of the Lord will be the last day." 4. We are especially concerned with 2 special events that will take place: "the resurrection" and "the judgment." Discussion: I. FIRST, THE RESURRECTION WILL OCCUR AT THE LAST DAY
A. During His ministry Jesus taught that the dead will be raised (John 5:25). B. Jesus indicated in John 5:21 that He will be involved in the resurrection. C. We learn from Philippians 3:20-21 that the Lord will accomplish something very special at the resurrection. D. Jesus stated 4 times very clearly in John 6 that He will raise the dead "at the last day" (vs.39, vs.40, vs.44, and vs.54). E. We learn from John 11:24 that Martha understood the Lord's teaching. F. When the day of the Lord arrives, which will be the last day, the resurrection will occur. G. This brings us to another special event. II. THE JUDGMENT WILL ALSO OCCUR AT THE LAST DAY
A. During His ministry Jesus taught that the judgment will occur in conjunction with the resurrection (John 5:28-29). B. Jesus indicated that He will be involved in the judgment (John 5:22, 26-27). C. Jesus taught in Matthew 25:31-33 that He will accomplish a separation at the judgment when He returns. D. Jesus taught that there will be a "Day of Judgment" (Matthew 10:15; 11:22, 24; 12:36). E. According to John 12:48, judgment will take place at "the last day." Conclusion:
1. We have seen from the Scriptures that the resurrection and the judgment will occur at the last day, or the day of the Lord. 2. Notice how these 2 events are mentioned together in Revelation 20:12-13. 3. After the judgment, eternity will begin. 4. There are only 2 places where eternity will be spent. a. One place is described in Revelation 20:14-15. b. The other place is described in Revelation 21:1-4. 5. Jesus made it possible for us to spend eternity with Him. 6. He wants us to comply with His will so we can receive that special blessing (Revelation 22:14).