The Story of Jesus His Entry into Jerusalem (Lesson 71)
1. The apostle Peter concluded his second letter with an appeal to grow in the knowledge of Christ (2 Peter 3:18). 2. This growth is accomplished by complying with the Lord's appeal to "Search the Scriptures" (John 5:39). 3. This lesson is a study of passages that teach us about the Lord's entry into Jerusalem. 4. Although this special event is recorded in all 4 Gospel accounts, . . . Discussion: I. LET US FIRST READ MATTHEW'S ACCOUNT (21:1-11)
A. We learn from vs.4-5 that this event fulfilled an Old Testament prophecy (Zechariah 9:9). 1. Zechariah served as a prophet with Haggai. 2. As we study their books we must keep in mind that they encouraged the Jews to finish rebuilding the temple after their captivity in Babylon (Ezra 4:24-5:2). 3. In his book, Zechariah also prophesied about the coming of Christ. a. In addition to being King, he would also be a Priest (6:13). b. His price would be 30 pieces of silver (11:12). c. The 30 pieces of silver would be cast to the potter (11:13). B. As Jesus fulfilled Zechariah's prophecy,: 1. great multitudes of people were present 2. the people rejoiced and offered praise (Luke 2:13-14) 3. He demonstrated His meekness (Matthew 11:29) 4. the religious leaders showed contempt (Matthew 21:15-16). II. LET US ALSO READ THE OTHER ACCOUNTS
A. Mark 11:1-11 B. Luke 19:28-40 C. John 12:12-16 III. LET US MAKE THREE OBSERVATIONS
A. The fulfillment of Old Testament prophecy is a strong source of evidence proving that Jesus is the Son of God. B. The Lord's entry into Jerusalem was a special event for those who recognized Him and were waiting for Him -- the same can be said about His return in the future (2 Thessalonians 1:10). C. The Lord had need of the donkey and its colt to accomplish God's plan -- He needs followers today who will use their talents faithfully in His service (Matthew 25:14-18).