1. In this verse the writer expressed his love for God's Word. 2. This morning we covered a number of passages that show why we should feel the same way. 3. The writer also stated that he meditated upon God's Word "all the day." 4. This evening we are analyzing a number of statements made in this Psalm that will help us understand why the writer did so. 5. We are considering: a. 9 special characteristics of God's Word b. 9 special blessings that God's Word provides. 6. This brings us to theme of our lesson -- "let us meditate upon God's Word continually." Discussion: I. FIRST, LET US CONSIDER 9 SPECIAL CHARACTERISTICS OF GOD'S WORD THAT WILL LEAD US TO MEDITATE UPON IT CONTINUALLY
A. It is valuable (vs.72). B. It is faithful (vs.86a). C. It is settled (vs.89). D. It is sweet (vs.103). E. It is right (vs.128). F. It is wonderful (vs.129). G. It is pure (vs.140). H. It is truth (vs.151). I. It is everlasting (vs.152, 160). J. This description of God's Word helps us understand why the writer meditated upon it "all the day." II. SECOND, LET US CONSIDER 9 SPECIAL BLESSINGS PROVIDED BY GOD'S WORD THAT WILL LEAD US TO MEDITATE UPON IT CONTINUALLY
A. In a general way, vs.1 states that those who "walk in the law of the Lord" are "blessed." B. Specific blessings include: 1. cleansing (vs.9) 2. power to overcome temptation (vs.11) 3. strength (vs.28) 4. hope (vs.49) 5. fellowship (vs.63) 6. understanding (vs.104, 169) 7. light (vs.105) 8. joy (vs.162) 9. peace (vs.165). C. God provides these special blessings to those who love His Word and who meditate upon it continually. Conclusion:
1. Let us love God's Word as the psalmist did. 2. Let us also follow his example of meditating upon God's Word continually.