The Sermon on the Mount 01
1. We are taught in Ephesians 5:17 to understand "what the will of the Lord is." 2. To help us understand the Lord's will we are studying His sermon in Matthew 5-7. Discussion: I. INTRODUCTORY INFORMATION A. According to Matthew 5:1, multitudes of people were gathered around Jesus. 1. Prior to this sermon He had already been teaching and preaching (4:23a). 2. Jesus had also healed many people (4:23b-24). 3. As a result of His teaching and healing, multitudes followed the Lord (4:25). B. When Jesus saw the multitudes, He "went up into a mountain" [an elevated place]. 1. After going up into this mountain, He sat down [the common teaching position of that time]. 2. When Jesus was set His disciples came to Him, and He began to teach them. C. As a result of studying this sermon, I hope that we will: 1. have a better understanding of the Lord's will 2. do our best to continue in His Word and put His teachings into practice. II. JESUS BEGAN HIS SERMON BY GIVING THE BEATITUDES A. In the Beatitudes Jesus showed how people in 8 different categories will be "blessed." 1. We normally think of a person being blessed when he receives something. 2. The blessings that Jesus talked about are spiritual blessings that come from God: being a part of the kingdom of heaven, being comforted, inheriting the earth, being filled with righteousness, obtaining mercy, seeing God, and being called the children of God. B. In order to enjoy these blessings we must meet the Lord's requirements in the Beatitudes. C. In our lesson we are examining the first 3 Beatitudes that are closely related. III. (vs.3) "BLESSED ARE THE POOR IN SPIRIT" A. The "poor in spirit" are those who: 1. are aware of their spiritual needs 2. recognize their spiritual condition and depend upon God for salvation. B. The Bible has much to say about this quality. 1. (Luke 18:9-14) Jesus illustrated what it means to be poor in spirit. 2. (Psalm 51:17) God is pleased with those who are poor in spirit. C. The poor in spirit will enjoy a great blessing -- "theirs is the kingdom of heaven." 1. To be members of the Lord's kingdom we must be "poor in spirit." 2. We must realize that on our own we are sinners and depend upon God for salvation. IV. (vs.4) "BLESSED ARE THEY THAT MOURN" A. Those who mourn are people whose hearts are filled with sorrow. 1. However, Jesus was talking about a spiritual type of mourning. 2. When a person who is poor in spirit commits sin his heart is filled with sorrow because he realizes he has transgressed God's will, and he mourns. B. An example of one who mourned is Peter (Matthew 26:75b). C. Sin ought to cause us to mourn [our sins as well as the sins of others]. D. Those who mourn will enjoy a great blessing -- "they shall be comforted." 1. When we mourn over our sins we are led to seek God's forgiveness. 2. When we receive His forgiveness we are able to enjoy great comfort. V. (vs.5) "BLESSED ARE THE MEEK" A. The meek are those who possess a mild and gentle spirit. 1. One who is meek does not assert himself or have to have his own way. 2. Meekness is a quality that Christians must develop (Galatians 5:23). B. The meek will enjoy a great blessing -- "they shall inherit the earth." 1. The proud and the haughty want to take things and get them by their own power. 2. The meek will "inherit" a great blessing from God (Psalm 22:26). |