Grace and Truth Came by Jesus Christ (John 1:14-17)
1. John began his Gospel by showing that Jesus is a member of the eternal Godhead and Creator (John 1:1-3). 2. We learn from vs.14 that Jesus came and lived on earth in the flesh. 3. By coming to earth in the flesh,: a. Jesus brought life and light (vs.4-5) b. Jesus made it possible for us to be born of God and become His children (vs.12-13) c. Jesus brought 2 great subjects to light -- "grace" and "truth" [they are both mentioned in vs.14 and vs.17]. 4. In our lesson we are concentrating on the fact that "grace and truth came by Jesus Christ." Discussion: I. DURING HIS MINISTRY JESUS HAD MUCH TO SAY ABOUT TRUTH
A. Some have concluded from the contrast made in vs.17 that the Law of Moses does not contain truth or grace. 1. This is not true (Psalm 119:160a; Proverbs 3:34b). 2. The law did not provide the complete removal of sin (Hebrews 10:1-4). 3. The law was designed to bring us to Christ (Galatians 3:23-29). 4. After the law fulfilled its purpose, it was taken away (Colossians 2:14). B. Concerning the Lord and truth,: 1. Jesus gave the key to knowing the truth (John 8:31-32) 2. Jesus identified Himself as "the truth" in showing how to approach the Father (John 14:6) 3. Jesus identified God's Word as truth (John 17:17) 4. Jesus said that everyone who is of the truth hears His voice (John 18:37). C. In addition to having much to say about truth, . . . II. JESUS DEMONSTRATED GRACE ON MANY OCCASIONS DURING HIS MINISTRY
A. "Grace" is generally defined as "undeserved favor or kindness." B. Let us consider several ways in which Jesus demonstrated grace. 1. Jesus healed a man who had been afflicted 38 years (John 5:1-9). 2. Jesus fed the 5,000 (John 6:5-14, 35). 3. Jesus gave sight to a man born blind (John 9:1-7; 8:12). 4. Jesus tasted death for everyone, including those who lived under the old covenant (Hebrews 2:9; 9:15; Ephesians 1:7). Conclusion:
1. We have seen from the Scriptures that "grace and truth came by Jesus Christ." 2. Grace and truth certainly are wonderful subjects that deserve our careful attention. 3. Let us conclude with the final words in the Bible (Revelation 22:21).