1. Psalm 90 is identified as "A Prayer of Moses the man of God." 2. In his Psalm Moses touched on some important subjects, including the length of life (vs.10). 3. Because our years are limited, we need to pay close attention to the request in vs.12a -- "So teach us to number our days." 4. As we endeavor to make the most of the time we have, "let us apply our hearts unto wisdom" (vs.12b). 5. To help us apply our hearts unto wisdom we are studying James 3:13-18. 6. The first point we need to make is that . . . Discussion: I. (vs.13-14) OUR ACTIONS DEMONSTRATE THE KIND OF WISDOM WE POSSESS
A. (Matthew 7:20) Jesus said, "By their fruits ye shall know them." 1. Jesus indicated that false teachers can be detected by the fruit that they bear. 2. In a similar way we show by our actions the kind of wisdom we possess. B. (vs.13) A child of God who is wise and endued with knowledge will "show out of a good conversation his works with meekness of wisdom." 1. His "conversation" [manner of life, behavior] will be in harmony with God's will. 2. His works will demonstrate his wisdom. C. (vs.14) However, the heart may be filled with bitter envying [jealousy] and strife. 1. A person like this should not glory because he possesses these traits. 2. Also, he should not lie against the truth by pretending to be a follower of Christ -- he is nothing more than a hypocrite. D. To help us understand James' lesson, let us examine the disciples before Jesus was crucified. 1. They were often concerned about who was the greatest (Matthew 18:1; 20:25-28). 2. They even discussed this when Jesus ate His final meal with them and gave instructions for eating His Supper (Luke 22:24). 3. Their real problem was that they possessed the wrong kind of wisdom. II. (vs.15-16) THE WRONG KIND OF WISDOM
A. This is the kind of wisdom mentioned in vs.14. B. Its source is identified. 1. It does not descend from above. 2. It is "earthly" [worldly]. C. It is described as being "sensual" and "devilish." D. This kind of wisdom produces confusion and every evil work. E. The church in Corinth was plagued by this kind of wisdom. 1. The Lord wanted this church to be united (1 Corinthians 1:10). 2. However, it was divided (vs.11-12). 3. The problem is identified in 1 Corinthians 3:3 -- its members were "carnal" [worldly]. 4. Pursuing the right kind of wisdom will eliminate this problem. III. (vs.17-18) THE RIGHT KIND OF WISDOM
A. This is the kind of wisdom mentioned in vs.13. B. Its source is identified -- it comes from above (1:5). C. The wisdom that comes from God is described as being pure, peaceable, gentle, easy to be entreated, full of mercy and good fruits, without partiality, and without hypocrisy. D. This kind of wisdom produces the fruit of righteousness. Conclusion:
1. In Psalm 90:12 Moses called upon God's people to apply our hearts unto wisdom. 2. As we are taught in James 3, let us pursue the right kind of wisdom. 3. Let us close with the admonition given in Ephesians 5:15-17.