Let Us Follow Wise Guidelines When Making Choices (Joshua 24:14-24)
1. God selected Joshua to succeed Moses as the leader of Israel. 2. He was a very good leader, and he had a great influence upon Israel (vs.31). 3. Before he died, Joshua called upon the Israelites to make a choice (vs.15). 4. The Israelites made the right choice when they said they would serve the Lord (vs.18b, 21, 24). 5. We have something in common with the Israelites -- we have to make choices, decisions, and judgments. 6. Today we are examining information revealed in the Scriptures that will help us make good choices, good decisions, and good judgments. 7. This morning we are concentrating on 3 wise guidelines that we must follow. 8. This evening we will turn our attention to 3 unwise practices we must avoid. Discussion: I. FIRST, WHEN MAKING CHOICES, WE MUST SEEK WISDOM FROM GOD
A. This guideline is addressed in James 1:5-7. B. To illustrate, Solomon followed this guideline as a young king (1 Kings 3:5-10). C. God's wisdom is far greater than man's wisdom (1 Corinthians 1:25). II. SECOND, WHEN MAKING CHOICES, WE MUST TRUST IN GOD COMPLETELY
A. This guideline is addressed in Proverbs 3:5-6. B. To illustrate, Moses and his parents followed this guideline (Hebrews 11:23-27). 1. These verses emphasize the faith of Moses and his parents. 2. However, these verses also show how: a. one decision can change the course of a person's life (vs.23, 24) b. decisions are accompanied by consequences (vs.25) c. a person's decisions will determine his destiny (on earth and in eternity). III. THIRD, BEFORE MAKING CHOICES, WE MUST TALK TO GOD THROUGH PRAYER
A. This guideline is addressed in Matthew 7:7-8. B. To illustrate, Jesus followed this guideline when He chose His twelve apostles (Luke 6:12-16). C. As we pray, let us seek for God's will to be done (1 John 5:14-15) as Jesus did (Luke 22:41-42). Conclusion:
1. We all have to make choices, decisions, and judgments. 2. When we make them, let us follow these wise guidelines. a. Let us seek wisdom from God. b. Let us trust in God completely. c. Let us talk to God through prayer.