Let Us Study Things that Pertain unto Godliness (2 Peter 1:3)
1. We learn from this verse that God has "given unto us all things that pertain unto life and godliness." 2. This morning we studied "things that pertain unto life." 3. This evening, "let us study things that pertain unto godliness." Discussion: I. THE FIRST THING: LET US DEFINE "GODLINESS"
A. Godliness: reverence or respect toward God. B. Cornelius provides an illustration of godliness (Acts 10:1-2, 22). C. "Godliness" is an essential quality for the Christian because it is possible for a person to be good who has no reverence for God. D. To be accepted by God we must develop "godliness" (Ecclesiastes 12:13). II. THE SECOND THING: MANY SCRIPTURES TEACH US TO DEVELOP "GODLINESS"
A. (1 Timothy 4:7) We are to exercise ourselves unto "godliness." B. (1 Timothy 6:11) We are to follow after "godliness." C. (Titus 2:11-14) We are to live "godly" in this present world. D. (2 Peter 1:5-7) "Godliness" is one of the Christian graces that we are to develop with all diligence. E. Activities such as Bible study, prayer, meditation, worship, and service are essential for the development of "godliness." III. THE THIRD THING: THE BIBLE CONTAINS WARNINGS THAT RELATE TO "GODLINESS"
A. (2 Timothy 3:1-5) God is not pleased with those who only have "a form of godliness." B. (1 Timothy 2:9-10) Those who profess true "godliness" will be adorned with good works. C. (Hebrews 12:28-29) We are to serve God "with reverence and godly fear" because He is a consuming fire. D. (2 Peter 3:10-12) To be prepared for the Lord's return we must develop "godliness." IV. THE FOURTH THING: BLESSINGS ARE IN STORE FOR THOSE WHO DEVELOP "GODLINESS"
A. (1 Timothy 4:8) "Godliness is profitable unto all things." B. (1 Timothy 6:6) "Godliness with contentment is great gain." C. (2 Peter 2:9) "The Lord knoweth how to deliver the godly out of temptations." Conclusion:
1. How grateful we need to be that God has "given unto us all things that pertain unto life and godliness." 2. With all of our hearts, let us always endeavor to pursue those things from God that relate to: a. life b. godliness.