Thanksgiving in the Psalms
1. The book of Psalms is a collection of 150 poems, songs, and prayers that were composed over a long period of time by a number of writers. 2. Jesus indicated in Luke 24:44 that the Psalms are part of the Old Testament Scriptures. 3. Consequently, the Psalms "were written for our learning" (Romans 15:4). 4. Studying the Psalms will enable us to gain knowledge on a wide variety of subjects. 5. "Thanksgiving" is a subject that is addressed throughout the Psalms. 6. In our lesson we are examining a number of verses in the Psalms that reveal several important principles concerning "thanksgiving." 7. The first principle we are considering is that . . . Discussion: I. GOD'S PEOPLE ARE TO BE THANKFUL TO HIM A. God's people will thank Him continually (79:13). B. Giving thanks to God is "a good thing" (92:1). C. "The righteous" will surely give thanks to God (140:13). D. The Psalms also reveal many reasons why God's people are to be thankful to Him. II. GOD'S PEOPLE ARE TO BE THANKFUL TO HIM BECAUSE OF: A. His "holiness" (97:12) B. His "works" (107:21-22) C. His "righteous judgments" (119:62) D. His "deliverance" (18:47-50) E. His "mercy" (136:1-3, 26). F. There are many reasons why gratitude is to be expressed to God at all times; however, . . . III. GOD'S PEOPLE ARE TO BE THANKFUL TO HIM IN WORSHIP A. The Psalms mention thanks being given to God: 1. at His "altar" (26:6-7) 2. "in the great congregation" (35:18) 3. in His "gates" and "courts" (100:4) 4. in "the house of the Lord" (122:1-4). B. More specifically, thanksgiving is associated with "singing." 1. 30:4 2. 69:30 3. 95:1-3 4. 105:1-2 |