1. In our lesson we are concentrating on the message presented in Psalm 95. 2. In this Psalm, God's people are exhorted to do 2 things. a. First, God's people are exhorted to praise Him. b. Second, God's people are exhorted to avoid hardening the heart. Discussion: I. (vs.1-7a) GOD'S PEOPLE ARE EXHORTED TO PRAISE HIM
A. This exhortation is given in the opening words (vs.1a) -- "O come, let us sing unto the Lord." B. The writer continued by showing HOW God's people are to praise Him. 1. (vs.1b) God's people are to praise Him by making "a joyful noise" to Him. 2. (vs.2b) More specifically, God's people are to praise Him through the singing of "psalms" (Ephesians 5:19; Colossians 3:16). 3. (vs.2a) God is to be praised with "thanksgiving." 4. (vs.6) God is to be praised with "humility." a. Those who praise God are to "bow down" and "kneel" before Him. b. We are reminded in vs.7a that God is the Shepherd, and His people are the sheep. C. The writer also showed WHY God's people are to praise Him. 1. (vs.1b) God's people are to praise Him because He is "the rock of our salvation." 2. (vs.3) God's people are to praise Him because He is "a great God, and a great king above all gods." 3. (vs.4) God's people are to praise Him because everything is His, including "the deep places of the earth" and "the strength of the hills." 4. (vs.5) God's people are to praise Him because He created everything, including "the sea" as well as "the dry land." D. These words of exhortation are designed to help God's people remain faithful. E. This brings us to the 2nd exhortation. II. (vs.7b-11) GOD'S PEOPLE ARE EXHORTED TO AVOID HARDENING THE HEART
A. What will happen to God's people when they: 1. fail to praise Him by making a joyful noise to Him by singing psalms? 2. fail to express gratitude to Him? 3. fail to remain humble before Him? 4. fail to recognize Him as "the rock of our salvation?" 5. fail to recognize Him as the "great God" who is "above all gods?" 6. fail to recognize Him as the owner and Creator of everything? B. The Israelites answer these questions -- they did not listen to God's voice, they hardened their hearts, they provoked God, and they tempted God. C. We read about occasions when the Israelites did these things in Exodus 17:1-7 and Numbers 14:1-4, 26-33. D. When the Israelites faced difficulties, they should have followed the instructions given in Psalm 95:1-7a. E. Unfortunately, the Israelites lost sight of God's goodness and power, they murmured against Him, and many of them were kept out of the Promised Land. Conclusion:
1. According to Hebrews 4:7, David wrote Psalm 95 (1000 BC). a. He dealt with events that occurred many years before he lived. b. He applied what happened earlier to the people living when he lived. 2. Years later, David's exhortation is applied to Christians in Hebrews 3:7-4:1. a. Christians can fall away from the Lord just as the Israelites did. b. Rather than imitate the Israelites, let us follow the instructions given in Psalm 95:1-7a.