1. In these verses 7 special characteristics are listed. 2. They are commonly known as "the Christian graces." 3. Vs.5 begins by instructing us to add these graces to our faith. 4. We are to do so with "all diligence." 5. Peter explained in vs.8-11 why we must develop these graces. a. A special blessing is revealed in vs.8. b. In vs.9 a negative consequence is explained. c. Another special blessing is revealed in vs.10-11. 6. All 7 graces are important, and all are essential for spiritual growth. 7. In our lesson we are concentrating on adding "knowledge" to our faith. Discussion: I. LET US FIRST DEFINE "KNOWLEDGE"
A. In general, "knowledge" is "knowing something" [being aware of facts]. B. We are to be knowledgeable in this sense, but the "knowledge," in 2 Peter 1:5, is "moral wisdom demonstrated by righteous living." C. Paul's words in Colossians 1:9-10 help us understand what this "knowledge" is. II. THE SCRIPTURES ISSUE MANY WARNINGS THAT RELATE TO "KNOWLEDGE"
A. A lack of "knowledge" will cause God's people to be destroyed (Hosea 4:6). B. Zeal without "knowledge" does not please God (Romans 10:1-3). C. "Knowledge" without love does not edify (1 Corinthians 8:1-3). D. Solomon's mistake must be avoided. 1. God blessed Solomon with great wisdom (1 Kings 3:9-12). 2. Unfortunately, Solomon forsook his wisdom (1 Kings 11:1-8). E. These warnings should impress us with the importance of gaining and retaining "knowledge." III. LET US CONSIDER SOME ESSENTIALS FOR GAINING "KNOWLEDGE"
A. We must desire to gain "knowledge" (1 Peter 2:1-2). B. We must actively pursue "knowledge" (Matthew 7:7-8). C. Reading and studying are essential; however, we must study with the intent of understanding the Lord's will (Ephesians 5:15-17). D. As we come in contact with the Scriptures we must practice the things that we learn (James 1:21-25). Conclusion:
1. According to Ecclesiastes 9:10, now is the time to gain knowledge. 2. Since this is the case, let us heed the instruction given in Proverbs 2:3-11.