Keeping Ourselves unspotted from the world (Lesson 69)
1. Practicing "pure and undefiled religion before God" includes "keeping ourselves unspotted from the world" (James 1:27). 2. In His Sermon on the Mount (Matthew 5-7), Jesus gave valuable instructions that will help us to remain free from the world's spots. 3. We previously studied the Lord's instructions in Matthew 7:1-5 where He taught His followers to avoid "judging" [condemning someone else for something while doing the same thing]. 4. This lesson is a study of the Lord's statement recorded in Matthew 7:6 where He talked about making a judgment based on the way a person responds to God's Word. 5. As we study any matter that involves judging we must remember the Lord's guidelines in John 7:24: "Judge not according to the appearance, but judge righteous judgment." Discussion: I. LET US EXAMINE THE SUBJECTS THAT JESUS MENTIONED
A. Jesus talked about things that are sacred and very valuable. 1. "That which is holy" refers to sacred things [things that are set aside for a sacred purpose]. 2. "Pearls" are valuable and precious items [Jesus used a pearl to illustrate the value of His kingdom -- Matthew 13:45-46]. B. Jesus also talked about dogs and swine. 1. The Jews considered these animals to be unclean. 2. However, Jesus was not actually talking about animals. 3. He was referring to people who have no interest in spiritual matters. a. Unfortunately, some people are not interested in the truth of God's Word. b. Jesus described the problem that such people have in Matthew 13:10-15. C. Now that we understand what Jesus was talking about, . . . II. LET US EXAMINE WHY THE LORD GAVE THESE INSTRUCTIONS
A. Let us consider why the Lord forbids giving that which is holy to dogs. 1. Holy things are set aside for a special purpose. 2. Dogs have no appreciation for holy things. 3. Notice what was to be done with holy and unholy meat under the Law of Moses. a. (Exodus 22:31) Unholy meat was to be cast to the dogs. b. (Leviticus 7:15-17) Leftover holy meat was to be burnt. B. Let us consider why the Lord forbids casting pearls before swine. 1. Pearls are very valuable and precious. 2. Hogs have no appreciation for the value of pearls. 3. Hogs are only concerned with fulfilling their basic desires. 4. If pearls were cast before a herd of swine they would only trample them under their feet. 5. Since hogs have no interest in the value of pearls they might even turn and attack. III. LET US EXAMINE SOME ADDITIONAL PASSAGES WHICH HELP US UNDERSTAND WHAT JESUS WAS TEACHING
A. Some people did not appreciate the Lord's teaching, and they turned on Him. 1. Luke 4:22, 28-29 2. John 8:30, 59 B. Jesus told His apostles to apply these principles when He sent them out on the limited commission (Matthew 10:11-15). C. Notice how Paul responded to unbelievers (Acts 13:44-46). Conclusion:
1. As God's Word is taught, some will be interested and receptive, and some will not. 2. To keep ourselves unspotted from the world, let us avoid the practices of those who reject the Lord and His Word (1 Corinthians 15:33).