1. In the Bible we read about God's plan for our redemption. 2. We certainly need to be grateful to God for making redemption possible. 3. We also need to be grateful for all the men and women we read about in the Bible who allowed God to use them as He accomplished His will. 4. In our lesson we want to concentrate on one particular woman who played a vital role in God's plan for our redemption -- Mary, the mother of Jesus. 5. To fully appreciate Mary, we first need to point out that . . .
A. This promise involved "the seed of woman." 1. When God spoke these words He was punishing the serpent for his part in the sin committed by Adam and Eve. 2. God indicated that the woman's seed would be victorious over the serpent. B. This promise was developed throughout the Old Testament. 1. After Cain killed Abel, Eve gave birth to Seth (Genesis 4:25). 2. (Genesis 5) The descendants of Seth are traced to Noah who had 3 sons: Shem, Ham, and Japheth. 3. (Genesis 11) The descendants of Shem are traced to Abraham. 4. (Genesis 12:3) God said that "all families of the earth" would be blessed through Abraham. 5. Abraham had a number of children, but God renewed the promise He had made to Abraham to Isaac (Genesis 26). 6. Isaac had 2 sons, but God renewed the promise He had made to Abraham and Isaac to Jacob (Genesis 28). 7. Jacob had 12 sons, but Jacob indicated in Genesis 49 that a great lawgiver would come from Judah. 8. (Isaiah 7:14) God's promise would involve the miraculous birth of His Son -- a virgin would be involved. C. When the time was right, God fulfilled His promise (Galatians 4:4-5). D. With this information before us, let us see how . . .
A. (Luke 1:26-31) God selected Mary to be the mother of His Son. B. Let us make some observations about Mary. 1. (Luke 3) Mary came from the right bloodline -- Judah, Jacob, Isaac, Abraham, Shem, Noah, Seth, and Adam. 2. Mary was a willing subject in God's service (Luke 1:38). 3. Mary was very wise -- she had selected a godly man who would be a good father to her children. 4. Mary was a virgin. a. She was saving herself for her husband to be. b. She had not allowed herself to sin by committing fornication. c. We need to appreciate Mary for remaining pure -- if she had not been a virgin she could not have been the mother of Jesus. C. Perhaps the greatest trial for Mary came when Jesus was crucified. 1. Mary was present on that occasion (John 19:25-27). 2. Mary never lost her faith because she was present with the Lord's followers after His resurrection (Acts 1:13-14).
1. We have seen that Mary played a key role in God's plan for our salvation. 2. God was able to use Mary because she was a woman of purity, a woman of wisdom, a woman of faith, a woman of strength, and a woman of dedication. 3. If we possess these qualities, God can use us to accomplish His will today. 4. With these qualities, we can take advantage of opportunities that are presented to us, and we can use our influence to lead someone to the Lord.