1. In these verses 7 special characteristics ["the Christian graces"] are listed. 2. We are taught in vs.5 to add these graces to our faith with "all diligence." 3. Peter continued in vs.8-11 by showing why we must be so diligent in developing these graces. a. We learn from vs.8 that those who do so receive a special blessing. b. We learn from vs.9 that those who fail to do so suffer from a vision problem as well as a memory problem. c. We learn from vs.10-11 that another special blessing is in store for those who develop the graces with all diligence. 4. In our lesson we are concentrating on adding "patience" to our faith. Discussion: I. LET US FIRST DEFINE "PATIENCE"
A. One word in the New Testament that is translated "patience" refers to "forbearance" or "longsuffering" (James 5:7-8). B. However, "patience" (2 Peter 1:6) refers to "endurance," "perseverance," "steadfastness," or "the ability to bear up under trials."
A. Included in the instructions given in Romans 12 is the admonition to be "patient in tribulation" (vs.12). 1. Christians are not immune to tribulation (Acts 14:22). 2. Without "patience," tribulation can cause a person to fall (Matthew 13:20-21). B. (Luke 21:19) Jesus said: "In your patience possess ye your souls." III. THE SCRIPTURES TEACH US HOW "PATIENCE" IS DEVELOPED
A. "Patience" is developed as a result of going through "tribulation" (Romans 5:3). B. Some important instructions relating to "patience" are given in: 1. Romans 8:18 2. 1 Corinthians 10:13 3. Hebrews 4:14-16 4. James 1:2-8, 12. IV. LET US CONSIDER SOME OF THE BENEFITS OF DEVELOPING "PATIENCE"
A. (Romans 8:24-25) "Patience" will help us while we wait for the reward we hope to receive. B. "Patience" will help us in "bearing fruit" (Luke 8:15; John 15:8). C. "Patience" will help us in our prayer lives (Psalm 40:1). V. LET US BE ENCOURAGED BY BIBLE CHARACTERS WHO DEVELOPED "PATIENCE," INCLUDING:
A. Jesus (Hebrews 12:1-3) B. Job (James 5:11). Conclusion:
1. Let us be reminded of the Christian graces (2 Peter 1:5-7). 2. Let us also be reminded of why we must develop the graces with all diligence (2 Peter 1:8-11).