Let us examine Some Final Instructions (2 Corinthians 13:11)
1. As Paul was concluding his letter, he said "farewell" to the Christians in Corinth, and he gave them some final instructions. 2. Today we are preparing to say "farewell" to 2024. 3. This brings us to the theme of our lesson. 4. On this last Lord's Day of 2024, "let us examine some final instructions." 5. We are studying a number of passages that begin with "Finally." 6. These passages contain some important instructions that we must practice as we look forward to beginning 2025. 7. Let us first examine . . . Discussion: I. 2 CORINTHIANS 13:11
A. This verse contains 4 admonitions, including: 1. "be perfect [complete]" -- accomplished by the Scriptures (2 Timothy 3:16-17) 2. "be of good comfort" (2 Corinthians 1:3-4a) 3. "be of one mind" (1 Corinthians 1:10) 4. "live in peace" (Romans 12:18). B. A special blessing is in store for those who practice these instructions -- "the God of love and peace shall be with you." II. EPHESIANS 6:10
A. This verse teaches Christians to "be strong in the Lord." B. Vs.12 explains why we must be strong in the Lord. C. According to vs.11 & 13, to be strong in the Lord we must put on "the whole armor of God." D. The various items of the armor of God are listed in vs.14-17. III. PHILIPPIANS 3:1
A. This verse teaches Christians to "rejoice in the Lord." B. An even stronger appeal is made in 4:4. C. The hope mentioned in 3:20-21 should help us to maintain our joy. IV. PHILIPPIANS 4:8
A. This verse teaches Christians to think on the right things. B. In Proverbs 23:7 Solomon showed why we must think properly. C. We are to think on things that are true, honest, just, pure, lovely, of good report, virtuous, and worthy of praise. D. Vs.9 reveals a special blessing that is in store for those who think properly. V. 2 THESSALONIANS 3:1-2
A. These verses teach Christians to pray (see 1 Thessalonians 5:17). B. Specifically, Paul asked these Christians to pray for him and his co-workers. C. Paul asked them to pray that: 1. the Lord's Word would have "free course" 2. he and his co-workers would be delivered from "unreasonable and wicked men." VI. 1 PETER 3:8-9
A. These verses teach Christians to: 1. be "all of one mind" 2. have "compassion one of another" 3. "love as brethren" 4. "be pitiful" 5. "be courteous" 6. avoid retaliation. B. Vs.9b touches on 2 reasons why we must practice these instructions. 1. We have been "called" for this purpose. 2. Those who do so will "inherit a blessing." Conclusion:
1. We have examined some very important instructions. 2. Let us make a commitment to practice these instructions throughout 2025. 3. If we do these things that the Lord wants us to do, He will bless us in return.