The Lord's Followers Will Face Tribulation (John 16:33)
1. In John 14-16 Jesus spoke to the apostles to comfort their troubled hearts. 2. As the Lord concluded in John 16:33 He informed the apostles that they would have tribulation in the world. 3. He also said that "peace" is available through Him and that His followers can "be of good cheer." 4. In our lesson we are studying a number of passages that supply helpful information that relates to tribulation. 5. The first point we need to make is that . . . Discussion: I. CHRISTIANS ARE NOT IMMUNE TO TRIBULATION
A. The reality of tribulation in Christianity is taught in Acts 14:19-22. B. According to Revelation 2:9-11, the Lord's church has faced tribulation for many years. C. Christians must face tribulation properly because it can have an adverse effect, as illustrated by the stony soil (Matthew 13:20-21). D. Tribulation is not pleasant; however, Christians understand that . . . II. TRIBULATION IS CONNECTED WITH PATIENCE
A. In Romans 12:12 Christians are instructed to be "patient in tribulation" [to accomplish this we must "rejoice in hope" and "continue instant in prayer"]. B. According to Romans 5:3-4, tribulation produces patience that leads to experience and hope (see James 1:3-6a). C. In addition to understanding that tribulation is connected with patience, Christians know that . . . III. SPECIAL BLESSINGS ARE AVAILABLE DURING TRIBULATION
A. God provides comfort (2 Corinthians 1:3-4). B. Tribulation cannot separate the Lord's people from His love (Romans 8:35-39). Conclusion:
1. In John 14-16 Jesus spoke to the apostles to comfort their troubled hearts. 2. We began our lesson by reading the Lord's final statements in John 16:33. 3. Let us conclude by reading the Lord's statements in John 14:1-4.