1. In this lesson we are examining the information presented in 1 John 2:3-6. 2. To fully understand how this information fits into this portion of John's letter, we must briefly review the verses we have covered. a. John began his letter (1:1-3) by showing that Jesus came in the flesh as the Son of God so we can have fellowship with Him and the Father. b. This is good news -- John wrote this message so our "joy may be full" (vs.4). c. According to 1:5-10, we must fulfill certain responsibilities to have fellowship with God. 1) One responsibility is addressed in vs.5-7 -- we must walk in the light. 2) Another responsibility is addressed in vs.8-10 -- we must confess our sins. 3) Those who fulfill these responsibilities receive forgiveness (vs.7, 9). d. John showed in 2:1-2 that forgiveness is available because of Jesus. 1) (vs.1) He is our advocate with the Father. 2) (vs.2) He is the propitiation for our sins. 3. As we study this letter we must remember that some heretics known as the "Gnostics" were trying to influence Christians with their beliefs. a. They believed that all flesh is evil. b. This led them to hold some incorrect views about Christ. c. They believed that people could have fellowship with God and live as they pleased. 4. In the verses we are studying, John dealt with some additional matters that relate to having fellowship with the Lord. a. (vs.3-4) John showed that we can "know that we know the Lord." b. (vs.5-6) John showed that we can "know that we are in the Lord."
A. According to vs.3, we know that we know the Lord "if we keep his commandments." 1. When Jesus gave His Great Commission, He indicated that His followers must obey His commands (Matthew 28:19-20). 2. Our response to the Lord's commands shows certain things. a. It shows whether we really love the Lord (John 14:15). b. It shows whether we are the Lord's true friends (John 15:14). c. It shows whether our faith is genuine (James 2:20-24). 3. Throughout his letter, John placed special emphasis on obeying the Lord's commandments (1 John 3:22, 24a; 5:3). B. According to vs.4, one who claims to know the Lord without keeping His commandments "is a liar, and the truth is not in him." 1. Paul also wrote about such people in Titus 1:16. 2. The Pharisees made this mistake (Matthew 15:3-9). C. An important principle is given in 2 Corinthians 13:5 -- we are to examine ourselves and prove ourselves to determine if we are in the faith. D. John further developed this matter of having fellowship with the Lord in the next 2 verses.
A. We get into the Lord by being baptized into Him (Romans 6:3-4; Galatians 3:27). B. After we get into Him, the Lord wants us to abide in Him (John 15:4-7). C. We can know if we are truly abiding in the Lord by: 1. keeping His Word (vs.5) 2. walking as Christ walked (vs.6). D. Let us examine how Jesus responded to the Father's commands. 1. Jesus expressed His devotion to doing His Father's will in John 4:34; 8:29. 2. Jesus demonstrated His devotion to doing His Father's will in 1 Peter 2:21-23.