1. In Hebrews 11 we read about a number of men and women from the Old Testament who showed how faith will enable a person to be in good standing with God. 2. In vs.32 Samson is mentioned. a. Samson was one of Israel's judges. b. (Judges 13-16) God used Samson to deliver Israel from Philistine oppression. 1) In ch.13-14 we read about Samson's birth and his first involvement with a Philistine woman. 2) In ch.15-16 we read about Samson's victories over the Philistines and his involvement with Delilah. c. Samson is best known for his great physical strength; however, at his death he demonstrated a great measure of faith.
I. (Judges 13) SAMSON'S BIRTH
A. (vs.1) The Israelites needed another deliverer. 1. Because of their evil ways, God punished the Israelites by allowing them to be afflicted by the Philistines. 2. This is the cycle that was repeated during the time when Israel was ruled by judges (Judges 2:16-19). B. (vs.2-5) An angel informed Manoah's wife that she would give birth to a son. 1. (vs.4) She was told to avoid certain things. 2. (vs.5) Her son would: a. be a Nazarite (Numbers 6:1-8) b. begin to deliver Israel from the Philistines. C. (vs.6-7) Manoah's wife told him about the angel's appearance. D. (vs.8-14) The angel made another appearance. E. (vs.15-23) Manoah offered a sacrifice. F. (vs.24-25) Samson was born, and God blessed him.
A. (vs.1-4) Even though his parents were displeased, Samson wanted to marry a Philistine woman. B. (vs.5-7) While traveling to Timnath, Samson killed a lion with his hands. C. (vs.8-20) Samson's wedding feast was very unhappy.