Let Us Examine Paul's Faithful Sayings (1 Timothy 1:15)
1. In our lesson we are examining 4 passages that have several things in common. a. They were all written by the apostle Paul. b. They were all written to evangelists: Timothy (3) and Titus (1). c. Each one is referred to as "a faithful saying." 2. By referring to these statements as "faithful sayings," Paul was not implying that his other writings are not faithful. 3. We learn from 1 Corinthians 14:37 that his writings are the commandments of the Lord. 4. By referring to these statements as "faithful sayings," Paul was emphasizing the importance of the principles being taught in these passages. 5. Since these passages are so important, we must study them carefully. Discussion: I. (1 Timothy 1:15) JESUS CHRIST CAME INTO THE WORLD TO SAVE SINNERS
A. In the context (vs.12-17), Paul was thanking God for the change that had taken place in his life. 1. Paul had been an evil person at one time. 2. However, even though he considered himself to be "chief of sinners," God had saved him. B. Paul had been saved because of what is revealed in vs.15. 1. Jesus came into the world to make salvation from sin available. 2. It cost Jesus His life to provide this salvation. C. This faithful saying is "worthy of all acceptation" [deserves our full acceptance]. D. Our next faithful saying shows how we accept it. II. (2 Timothy 2:11) IN ORDER TO LIVE WITH CHRIST, WE MUST BE DEAD WITH HIM
A. Dying and living with Christ are explained in Romans 6:3-11. B. This is what Paul had done to be saved (Acts 22:16; 9:18). C. We learn from: 1. the first faithful saying that Jesus came into the world to save sinners 2. the second faithful saying that those who die with Him will be saved. D. The other 2 faithful sayings are directed to those who have been saved. III. (1 Timothy 4:7-9) WHEN WE ARE SAVED, WE ARE TO EXERCISE OURSELVES UNTO GODLINESS
A. A contrast is made between physical exercise and godliness. 1. There is some profit associated with physical exercise [its benefits are limited to this present life]. 2. However, "godliness" [doing things that please God] is profitable unto all things -- it holds promise for the present life, and it holds promise for the life to come. B. Godliness is so important that we are to follow after it (1 Timothy 6:11). C. This saying is also "worthy of all acceptation" [deserves our full acceptance]. D. Very closely associated with this faithful saying is the fourth one. IV. (Titus 3:8) THOSE WHO HAVE BEEN SAVED ARE TO BE CAREFUL TO MAINTAIN GOOD WORKS
A. Good works are valuable -- they are good, and they are "profitable unto men." B. The Bible places special emphasis on Christians doing good works. 1. (Titus 2:14) Christians are to be "zealous of good works." 2. (Titus 3:14) Good works will keep Christians from being "unfruitful." Conclusion:
1. These passages we have studied deal with matters of utmost importance. 2. As we go through the new year, let us practice the principles that are taught in these "faithful sayings."