Where Is Jesus and What Is He Doing? (Mark 16:19-20)
1. We recently showed from the Scriptures that: a. Jesus came to earth in the flesh (John 1:14) b. Jesus will return one day (John 14:3). 2. In our lesson we are searching the Scriptures to find answers to 2 questions. a. First, where is Jesus? b. Second, what is He doing? Discussion: I. WHERE IS JESUS?
A. The Scriptures emphasize the Lord's position at the Father's right hand B. In Psalm 110:1, David prophesied that "his Lord" would be seated at "the Lord's" right hand. 1. Jesus pointed out in Matthew 22:41-46 that David wrote about Him. 2. Peter also showed in Acts 2:32-35 that David wrote about Jesus. C. During His trials Jesus indicated that He would sit "on the right hand of power." 1. He made this statement during His trial before Caiaphas (Matthew 26:62-64). 2. Jesus also made this statement during His trial before the Jewish council (Luke 22:66-69). D. Jesus is presently at the Father's right hand. 1. According to Mark 16:19, when He ascended to heaven, Jesus was seated at "the right hand of God." 2. Stephen saw Jesus "standing on the right hand of God" (Acts 7:54-60). 3. Peter showed in 1 Peter 3:21-22 that Jesus "is on the right hand of God." E. Where is Jesus? [He is at the Father's right hand in heaven.] II. WHAT IS JESUS DOING?
A. The Scriptures emphasize the roles that the Lord fulfills. B. Jesus "intercedes" on behalf of Christians (Romans 8:34). C. Jesus rules as "the head of His church" (Ephesians 1:15-23). D. Jesus serves as "God's spokesman" (Hebrews 1:1-3). 1. Psalm 110:1 is also quoted in Hebrews 1:13 to show that Jesus is superior to the angels who have served as God's spokesmen on numerous occasions. 2. Jesus' Word is the New Testament (Hebrews 9:15). E. Jesus serves as "High Priest" (Hebrews 8:1; 10:11-14). Conclusion:
1. We know from the Scriptures that Jesus came to earth in the flesh, and we know that He will return one day. 2. While we wait for His return,: a. we know where He is -- at the Father's right hand in heaven b. we know what He is doing -- He intercedes on our behalf, He rules as the head of His church, He is God's spokesman, and He serves as High Priest. 3. Let us accept His invitation (Matthew 11:28-30).