2 Matters that Relate to the Lord's Authority (Matthew 21:23-27)
1. In these verses the Jewish leaders questioned Jesus about His authority. 2. In His response, Jesus pointed out the hypocrisy of these people -- they claimed to submit to divine authority, but they actually rejected it. 3. We showed this morning (Colossians 3:17) that we must avoid their mistake. 4. In our lesson we are studying "2 additional matters that relate to the Lord's authority." Discussion:
A. These 2 sources of authority are "heaven" [divine] and "men" [human]. B. Human authority includes such things as: 1. "worldly philosophy" (Colossians 2:8) 2. "the commandments and doctrines of men" (Colossians 2:20-22) 3. "personal opinions" (Proverbs 14:12) 4. "the practices of other churches" (Revelation 2:20-23). C. Divine authority: 1. Christ has all divine authority (Matthew 28:18). 2. The Father gave Jesus this authority (John 17:2). 3. We are to only say and do those things that Christ has authorized us to say and do (Colossians 3:17). 4. To know what Christ authorizes us to say and do we must allow His word to dwell in us richly in all wisdom (Colossians 3:16a). 5. His word is the New Testament (Hebrews 9:15). D. There are 2 sources of authority in religion: divine and human [we must submit to divine authority]. II. SECOND, WE MUST UNDERSTAND HOW THE BIBLE AUTHORIZES
A. The Bible authorizes by direct statement. 1. These are instructions that the Lord has revealed in a direct manner. 2. Direct statements include: a. statements of a "general" nature [we are told what to do, but we are not told exactly how to do it] 1) An example is the Great Commission (Matthew 28:19-20). 2) We are told what to do, but we are not told exactly how to "go." 3) We are given some freedom to determine how to carry out general instructions. 4) However, we must not violate other Bible principles, and we must consider expediency (1 Corinthians 6:12). b. statements of a "specific" nature [we are told what to do, and we are told how to do it]. 1) An example is Colossians 3:16b. 2) "Singing" is specified, and certain kinds of songs are specified. B. The Bible authorizes by example [patterns that are revealed in the Bible]. 1. We know when to observe the Lord's Supper by example (Acts 20:7). 2. Caution: The examples we follow must harmonize with other Scriptures. C. The Bible authorizes by implication [certain matters are implied, even though they may not be specifically stated]. 1. Authority for church buildings is implied. 2. Caution: a. When we determine matters by implication we must use proper reasoning. b. Matters we determine by implication must harmonize with the teachings of other Scriptures. Conclusion:
1. The passages we have studied today show how important it is to submit to the Lord's authority. 2. We must do what the Lord authorizes us to do in His word, but we must avoid doing anything that the Lord does not authorize us to do.