1. In this verse David pointed out that the Lord is "full of compassion." 2. This particular characteristic helps us understand why "Christ cares for His sheep" as we studied this morning. 3. In our lesson we are examining how: a. Jesus gave 2 illustrations of compassion in His parables b. Jesus demonstrated His compassion throughout His ministry. 4. We first need to point out how . . . Discussion: I. JESUS GAVE 2 ILLUSTRATIONS OF COMPASSION IN HIS PARABLES
A. In the Parable of the Good Samaritan, the Samaritan had compassion on the man who was in need (Luke 10:33-35). B. In the Parable of the Prodigal Son, the father had compassion on his youngest son (Luke 15:20-24). C. Jesus is "full of compassion," and these illustrations help us understand why He cares for His sheep. D. In addition to illustrating what compassion is in His parables, . . . II. JESUS DEMONSTRATED HIS COMPASSION THROUGHOUT HIS MINISTRY
A. (Matthew 9:36) Jesus demonstrated His compassion when He gave the limited commission. 1. Jesus had worked diligently to reach as many people as possible (vs.35). 2. However, when Jesus observed the multitudes, He was moved by what He saw (vs.36). 3. Jesus made His followers aware of the situation (vs.37-38). 4. Jesus sent His apostles on "the limited commission" (ch.10). B. (Matthew 14:14) Jesus demonstrated His compassion when He healed sick people. 1. Jesus had just learned some bad news and wanted to be alone (vs.10-13a). 2. The people followed Jesus on foot (vs.13b). 3. Jesus' compassion led Him to heal "their sick." C. (Matthew 15:32) Jesus demonstrated His compassion when He fed the 4,000. 1. These people had been with Jesus 3 days, and there was nothing to eat. 2. Jesus fed this crowd with 7 loaves and a few little fish (vs.33-38). D. (Matthew 20:34) Jesus demonstrated His compassion when He gave sight to 2 blind men. 1. These men asked Jesus to have mercy on them (vs.29-33). 2. Jesus fulfilled their request. E. (Mark 1:41) Jesus demonstrated His compassion when He cleansed a leper. 1. This man asked Jesus to heal him (vs.40). 2. Jesus fulfilled His request (vs.42). F. (Luke 7:13) Jesus demonstrated His compassion when He raised a widow's son. 1. This woman had lost her only son (vs.12). 2. Jesus raised the young man (vs.14-15). Conclusion:
1. The passages we have studied help us understand what compassion is [being aware of someone else's misfortune with the desire to alleviate it]. 2. Because the Lord is "full of compassion" He cares for His sheep, and He deserves our praise and our devotion (Psalm 145).