1. "The superiority of Christ" is the main theme of Hebrews. 2. "The superiority of Christ as God's spokesman" is the subject addressed in the first section of Hebrews (1:1-4:13). 3. As God's spokesman Christ is superior to the prophets (1:1-3) and the angels (1:4-14). 4. In ch.2 we are given: a. a concluding warning (vs.1-4) b. information that explains why Jesus came to earth in the flesh (vs.5-18). Discussion:
A. (vs.1) Since God has spoken unto us by His Son who is greater than the prophets and the angels, we must: 1. pay careful attention to the things we have heard 2. not allow these things to slip away. B. (vs.2-4) We must heed this warning because there is no escape for those who neglect the great salvation. 1. (vs.2) Even though angels are inferior to Christ,: a. the word spoken by them was steadfast (Genesis 19:15-17) b. those who disobeyed their word were punished accordingly (Genesis 19:26). 2. (vs.3) This being the case, there is no escape for those who neglect the great salvation that was: a. first spoken by the Lord b. confirmed by those who heard Him (Matthew 28:19-20; John 14:26; 16:13). 3. (vs.4) God bore witness to the apostles' teaching by signs, wonders, miracles, and spiritual gifts (Mark 16:19-20; Acts 13:4-12). II. (vs.5-18) INFORMATION THAT EXPLAINS WHY JESUS CAME TO EARTH IN THE FLESH
A. (vs.5-9) Jesus came so man can once again have the dominion that he lost. 1. (vs.5) God did not subject the world to angels. 2. (vs.6-8a) God made man to have dominion over His creation (Genesis 1:26-31; Psalm 8). 3. (vs.8b) However, all things have not been put in subjection to man (Genesis 3:17-19; 1 Corinthians 15:26). 4. (vs.9) Jesus was temporarily made a little lower than the angels so He could taste death for every man. B. (vs.10) In bringing many sons to glory, Jesus was made perfect through sufferings (5:8-9; Philippians 2:5-11). C. (vs.11-13) Jesus made it possible for man to be united with Him and the Father in the church (Ephesians 2:14-16). D. (vs.14-15) By coming in the flesh, Jesus made it possible for man to be delivered from death. E. (vs.16-18) By coming in the flesh and being tempted, Jesus is able to serve as our merciful and faithful High Priest. Conclusion:
1. Jesus is God's spokesman today -- we must pay careful attention to what He says. 2. We must appreciate the Lord for what He did on our behalf when He came to earth in the flesh -- doing so will help us remain faithful to Him.