James 1:13-18
1. In his letter James addressed some important practical issues relating to Christianity. 2. (1:2-18) James wrote at length about "facing temptations." 3. (vs.2-12) James dealt with one kind of "temptation" [the trial of one's faith]. a. (vs.2-4) Christians are to face trials correctly because trials can produce positive results, including patience and completeness. b. (vs.5-8) We are shown how to correctly face trials so we can profit from them -- we are to seek wisdom from God. c. (vs.9-12) Application is made for poor and rich Christians with a promise of reward for those who endure their trials. 4. (vs.13-18) James dealt with another kind of "temptation" [enticement to commit sin]. Discussion: I. (vs.13-14) JAMES REVEALED THE SOURCE OF TEMPTATION A. (vs.13) God is not the source of temptation. 1. God cannot be tempted with evil, and He tempts no one. 2. God allows us to be tested, but He does not entice anyone to commit sin (compare Abraham's temptation in Genesis 22:1 and Hebrews 11:17). 3. God wants us to depend upon Him for help when we are tempted (Matthew 6:13). B. Satan is our enemy (1 Peter 5:8). 1. He was successful in tempting Eve to disobey God (Genesis 3:1-6). 2. He tried to get Job to curse God (Job 1:9-11; 2:4-5). 3. He provoked David to sin by numbering Israel (1 Chronicles 21:1). C. (vs.14) While Satan is our enemy, man is responsible for his own temptations. 1. Man is tempted when he is lured away by his own desires and enticed, as illustrated by David (2 Samuel 11:2-3). 2. Temptation must be stopped at this point (James 4:7-8a). 3. Jesus has shown us how to overcome temptation (Matthew 4:1-11; Psalm 119:11). II. (vs.15) JAMES DEALT WITH THE RESULTS OF GIVING IN TO TEMPTATION A. Lust that is allowed to conceive will result in sin. B. The final result of sin is death (Isaiah 59:2). III. (vs.16-18) JAMES ISSUED A WARNING AGAINST ERRING A. The warning given in vs.16 ties in vs.13-15 with vs.17-18. 1. (vs.13-15) We learn that God is not the source of temptation. 2. We must not be deceived into thinking that temptation comes from God. 3. To the contrary, . . . B. (vs.17) God gives every good and perfect gift. C. (vs.18) One of God's gifts is allowing us to become His children. 1. He begets us with the word of truth. 2. When we become God's children He wants us to be a kind of firstfruits of His creatures. |