The Inspiration of the ScripturesIntroduction:
1. The question in Psalm 85:6 indicates that God's people need to be revived continually. 2. One of the keys to revival is: "I will hear what God the Lord will speak" (Psalm 85:8). 3. We are continuing our study of 13 great themes that are addressed throughout the Bible. 4. Our purpose for studying these great themes is to provide information from the Bible that will help us when we need to be revived. 5. The fourth great Bible theme we are examining is "the inspiration of the Scriptures." Discussion: I. LET US EXAMINE THE SCRIPTURES' CLAIM TO BE INSPIRED (2 Timothy 3:14-17) A. Several important points are made about the Scriptures in these verses. 1. (vs.15a) They can be known, even by a child. 2. (vs.15b) They are able to make a person wise unto salvation. 3. (vs.16b-17) They are profitable. B. We are especially concerned with the point made in vs.16a -- "All Scripture is given by inspiration of God." II. LET US EXAMINE THE SCRIPTURES' EXPLANATION OF THE INSPIRATION PROCESS A. According to 2 Peter 1:20-21,: 1. the prophecies of the Scriptures did not originate with men 2. the prophecies were delivered by men who spoke "as they were moved by the Holy Spirit." B. Additional details are given in 1 Corinthians 2:9-13 and Ephesians 3:1-5. 1. God revealed certain things to the apostles and prophets by the Holy Spirit. a. These things are very special. b. If God had not revealed them we would have no way of knowing them. 2. The Spirit guided these inspired men as they spoke and wrote the things revealed to them. 3. We can read the writings of the apostles and prophets and we can know God's will. III. LET US EXAMINE PROOF OF THE SCRIPTURES' INSPIRATION A. The unity of the Scriptures suggests that they are inspired. 1. The Bible is a collection of 66 books that were written: a. over a period of approximately 1500 years (1400 BC - 100 AD) b. by about 40 people from a variety of backgrounds and occupations c. in 3 languages (Hebrew, Aramaic, Greek). 2. Throughout the Bible there is a remarkable unity of purpose with no contradictions. B. The indestructibility of the Scriptures indicates that they are inspired. 1. The Scriptures claim to be indestructible (Isaiah 40:8; Matthew 24:35). 2. The Scriptures have survived numerous attempts to destroy them. C. Scientific facts revealed in the Scriptures prove that they are inspired. 1. About 700 BC, Isaiah mentioned the circular shape of the earth (Isaiah 40:22). 2. Job stated that God hangs "the earth upon nothing" (Job 26:7). 3. About 1000 BC, David mentioned "the paths of the seas" (Psalm 8:6-8). D. The fulfilled prophecies of the Scriptures prove that they are inspired. 1. About 700 BC, Isaiah stated that a man named Cyrus would allow the Jews to rebuild the temple in Jerusalem (Isaiah 44:24-45:4). 2. In 536 BC, Cyrus conquered Babylon and allowed the Jews to return to Jerusalem so they could rebuild the temple (2 Chronicles 36:22-23). 3. How did Isaiah know the details of these events 160 years before they occurred? Conclusion: 1. The ability of the Scriptures to revive is revealed in Psalm 119:28. 2. Let us develop the attitude toward the Scriptures that is expressed in Psalm 119:97. |