The Story of Jesus The Lord's Signs in the Gospel of John - 1 (Lesson 44)
1. Growing in the knowledge of Christ is an important activity (2 Peter 3:18). 2. To accomplish this growth we must search the Scriptures (John 5:39). 3. In this lesson we are examining the Lord's signs recorded in the Gospel of John. 4. In John 20:30-31 we are shown why these signs have been recorded as well as why we need to study them. Discussion: I. JESUS TURNED WATER TO WINE (John 2:1-11)
A. This was His first miracle. B. The occasion was a wedding feast in Cana. C. Note the response of the disciples (vs.11b). II. JESUS HEALED THE NOBLEMAN'S SON (John 4:46-54)
A. The nobleman's son was very ill in Capernaum. B. Jesus healed the man's son without going to him. C. Note the response of the nobleman and his household (vs.53b). III. JESUS HEALED THE IMPOTENT MAN (John 5:1-9)
A. This man had suffered from an affliction 38 years. B. When Jesus healed him he was able to walk. IV. JESUS FED THE 5,000 (John 6:5-14)
A. Jesus fed this great crowd with 5 barley loaves and 2 small fish. B. This is the only miracle recorded in all 4 Gospels. V. JESUS WALKED ON WATER (John 6:16-21) VI. JESUS GAVE SIGHT TO A BLIND MAN (John 9:1-7)
A. This man was born blind. B. He received his sight when he complied with the Lord's instructions. VII. JESUS RAISED LAZARUS FROM THE GRAVE (John 11:41-45)
A. Lazarus had been dead 4 days (vs.39). B. Note the response of many of the Jews (vs.45).
A. Jesus performed this miracle after His resurrection. B. Although the disciples had caught nothing, they caught 153 fish when they followed the Lord's instructions.