1. The statement of the apostles in Acts 5:29 serves as the foundation of our lesson. a. Earlier, Peter and John were taken into custody and instructed not to teach in the Lord's name (Acts 4:18). b. Their response is recorded in vs.19-20. c. Later, in ch.5 all the apostles were put in prison (vs.17-18). d. An angel delivered them, and they continued teaching (vs.19-21a). e. The apostles were arrested again and interrogated (vs.27-28). f. We read their response in vs.29. g. The apostles were instructed again not to teach in the Lord's name (vs.40). h. Their reaction is found in vs.41-42. i. Although the apostles were instructed not to teach in the Lord's name, they obeyed the Lord's instructions (Mark 16:15; Acts 1:8). 2. The Bible clearly teaches us to obey the laws of the land (1 Peter 2:13-14). 3. However, when a civil law is contrary to God's law, we must obey God. 4. Today we are examining passages that relate to the manmade law that legalizes the killing of babies. 5. Let us first point out that . . . Discussion: I. MANMADE LAWS TO KILL BABIES ARE NOT NEW
A. Pharaoh gave 2 orders to kill Hebrew babies (Exodus 1). 1. He first commanded the midwives to kill the baby boys (vs.15-16), but the midwives disobeyed Pharaoh (vs.17). 2. He next commanded the baby boys to be cast into the river (vs.22), but a couple from Levi disobeyed Pharaoh (2:1-2) [their son was Moses]. B. Herod had many babies killed in his attempt to kill Jesus (Matthew 2:16-18), but Joseph obeyed God's instructions (vs.13-15, 19-21). C. Man has been making laws to kill babies for a long time, but we will see that such laws do not have God's approval. II. GOD'S LAW REVEALS HIS WILL CONCERNING THE LIVES OF BABIES, INCLUDING UNBORN BABIES
A. We learn from Exodus 21:22-25 how God feels when an unborn child is harmed. B. We learn from Proverbs 6:16-17 that God hates "hands that shed innocent blood." C. We learn from Psalm 127:3 that God considers children to be His blessing. D. We learn from Psalm 139:13-16 how well God knew David. E. We learn from Jeremiah 1:4-5 who formed Jeremiah. F. We learn from Luke 1:39-44 that John was a "baby" before he was born [the same word was used for Jesus after he was born -- 2:16]. Conclusion:
1. A favorite image of the Lord has to do with His treatment of little children (Mark 10:13-16). 2. He also mentioned little children in connection with entering the kingdom of heaven (Matthew 18:3). 3. Have you been converted and have you become as a little child?