James 1:26-27
1. In his letter James addressed a number of important issues pertaining to Christianity. a. (1:2-18) He wrote at length about "facing temptations." b. (1:19-27) He continued by writing about "hearing and doing the Word." 2. This lesson is a study of the information presented in 1:26-27. 3. As we study these verses we must keep in mind the principle revealed in vs.18 -- God wants His children to "be a kind of firstfruits of His creatures." 4. To accomplish this we must follow the instructions given in vs.19-25, including: a. being "swift to hear, slow to speak, slow to wrath" (vs.19-20) b. putting away wickedness and receiving the engrafted Word with meekness (vs.21) c. being doers of the Word (vs.22-25). 5. The way we approach these instructions will determine the kind of religion we practice. 6. In the verses we are studying, two kinds of religion are contrasted: a. "vain religion" (vs.26) b. "pure and undefiled religion" (vs.27). Discussion: I. (vs.26) JAMES DESCRIBED "VAIN RELIGION" A. "Vain" [useless, worthless, serving no purpose] religion is of no value to the person practicing it, it is of no value to other people, and it is of no value to God. B. James showed that a person may appear to be religious while practicing vain religion -- such a person deceives his own heart. C. The specific problem addressed is a failure to bridle the tongue (vs.19, 3:2-12). 1. Bridle: to hold in check, to restrain 2. An unbridled tongue is a sign that the engrafted Word has not been received with meekness (Proverbs 8:13; 17:27-28; Matthew 12:34-37; Ephesians 4:29). 3. Religion that is accompanied by an unbridled tongue is vain. D. One cause of too much talking is a lack of activity (2 Thessalonians 3:11). 1. A good way to keep the tongue bridled is to be active and busy (2 Thessalonians 3:12-13). 2. This principle leads to the next point. II. (vs.27) JAMES DESCRIBED "PURE AND UNDEFILED RELIGION" A. In contrast to vain religion, pure and undefiled religion is a blessing to the one practicing it, it is a blessing to other people, and it is pleasing to God. B. Pure and undefiled religion consists of 2 main activities. 1. One activity is "to ‘visit’ the fatherless and widows in their affliction." a. This is providing the needs of those who are less fortunate (Ruth 1:6). 1) God has always been concerned about the needy (Psalm 146:9). 2) He has always instructed His children to care for the needy (Isaiah 1:16-17; Galatians 6:10). b. Caring for the needy is a demonstration of true faith (James 2:14-17) and true love (1 John 3:17-19). c. The Lord will bless this activity at the judgment (Matthew 25:31-46). 2. The other activity is to remain "unspotted from the world." a. This has already been mentioned in vs.21a. b. To practice the kind of religion that pleases God, we must not allow ourselves to be tainted by the world (Romans 12:1-2). |