Jesus Manifested Forth His Glory through Miracles (John 2:11)
1. Earlier in John 2 we read about the occasion when Jesus turned water into wine in Cana of Galilee -- this was His first miracle in that area. 2. Mary and the disciples were present. 3. By performing this miracle "Jesus manifested forth His glory." 4. The result was that "His disciples believed on Him." 5. This brings us to the theme of our lesson -- "Jesus manifested forth His glory through miracles." Discussion: I. LET US FIRST CONSIDER SOME PRELIMINARY MATTERS THAT RELATE TO THE LORD'S MIRACLES
A. We must understand what miracles are: "works of a supernatural origin and character, such as could not be produced by natural agents and means." B. The Lord's supernatural acts are designated in the Scriptures as: 1. "mighty works" (Luke 19:35-38) 2. "miracles" (John 2:23) 3. "signs" (John 4:48) 4. "wonders" (John 4:48). C. Through His miracles, Jesus demonstrated His divine power over physical diseases, demons, death, nature, and material elements. D. The Lord's miracles serve as evidence to prove that: 1. He came from God (John 3:2) 2. He had God's approval (Acts 2:22). E. Studying the Lord's miracles: 1. will produce faith in Him (John 20:30-31) 2. will strengthen faith in Him during times of discouragement (Luke 7:19-23). F. After covering these preliminary matters, . . . II. LET US EXAMINE 3 OF THE LORD'S MIRACLES THAT HELP US UNDERSTAND HOW HE MANIFESTED FORTH HIS GLORY
A. (John 6:5-14) Jesus manifested forth His glory when He fed the 5,000 -- He showed that He is "the bread of life" (John 6:35). B. (John 9:1-7) Jesus manifested forth His glory when He gave sight to a man born blind -- He showed that He is "the light of the world" (John 8:12). C. (John 11:38-45) Jesus manifested forth His glory when He raised Lazarus from the grave -- He showed that He is "the resurrection and the life" (John 11:25-26). Conclusion:
1. During His ministry Jesus manifested forth His glory through His miracles. 2. Let us recognize Him as God's divine Son and submit to His will. 3. Let us be ready and watching for that last great day when He "will come in His glory" (Matthew 25:31-33).