1. In these verses "the Christian graces" are listed. 2. According to vs.5, we are to give all diligence in developing them. 3. This morning we are concentrating on the 4th grace -- "patience."
A. The Bible contains several words that are translated "patience." B. One word can also be translated "longsuffering." 1. This is the spirit we are to have while we go through periods of difficulty. 2. This kind of "patience" is illustrated by the farmer (James 5:7). 3. We are to develop this kind of "patience" (James 5:8). C. Another word can also be translated "endurance," "steadfastness," or "perseverance." 1. We develop this type of "patience" as a result of going through periods of difficulty (James 1:3-4). 2. This is the type of "patience" mentioned in 2 Peter 1:6. D. Now that we have defined "patience," let us show . . .
A. We must develop "patience" because of what "impatience" will do to us. 1. "Impatience" will cause a person to quit or give up. 2. Jesus illustrated this point in His parable of the sower (Matthew 13:20-21). 3. A person who quits following the Lord will lose his soul. B. We must develop "patience" because the Bible teaches us to do so. 1. (Luke 21:19) Jesus said, "In your patience possess ye your souls." 2. (Romans 12:12) Christians are to be "patient in tribulation." 3. (1 Thessalonians 5:14) "Be patient toward all men." 4. (Hebrews 12:1) We are to "run with patience the race that is set before us." C. The Bible shows how "patience" will help us. 1. "Patience" will help us in bearing fruit (Luke 8:15; John 15:8). 2. "Patience" will help us as we wait to receive God's promise. a. This point is made in Hebrews 10:36. b. This point is illustrated by Abraham (Hebrews 6:15). 3. "Patience" will help us to avoid falling away (2 Peter 1:6, 8-10). 4. "Patience" will help us when we pray (Psalm 40:1). D. Now that we understand why we must develop "patience," let us consider several passages that teach us . . .
A. When we face trials, we must ask for wisdom (James 1:5-6). B. We must develop the right kind of love because Christian love "endureth all things" (1 Corinthians 13:7). C. We must look to the proper role models such as: 1. Christ (Hebrews 12:2-3) 2. the prophets (James 5:10) 3. Job (James 5:11). D. We must learn to "wait upon the Lord" (Isaiah 40:28-31).
1. Peter understood the importance of remembering to develop all of the Christian graces (see 2 Peter 1:12, 15). 2. He was especially mindful of the need for "patience" (2 Peter 1:13-14). 3. Just before he closed his letter Peter issued a strong warning that relates to "patience" (2 Peter 3:17). 4. Developing "patience" is not easy, but the benefits and rewards are very special (2 Peter 1:10-11; Romans 8:18).