1. In vs.44a, Jesus referred to words He had spoken earlier to the disciples about His suffering (see Matthew 16:21). a. His suffering would take place in Jerusalem. b. His suffering would be at the hands of the Jewish religious leaders. c. His suffering would involve His death. d. Following His suffering, Jesus would be resurrected on the 3rd day. 2. In Luke 24:44b-47, Jesus talked to His disciples again about His suffering. a. It was foretold in "the Law of Moses,""the prophets," and "the Psalms." b. His suffering had to occur before "repentance and remission of sins" could be preached to "all nations." 3. In our lesson we are examining passages from these sections of the Old Testament that foretold the Lord's suffering. 4. These passages will help us understand why Jesus suffered. Discussion:
A. The serpent had tempted Eve to eat the forbidden fruit, and she and Adam ate it. B. At this point sin entered the world, and God punished everyone involved. C. As God punished the serpent He foretold what would happen to the woman's seed. 1. He would suffer a temporary wound [His heel would be bruised]. 2. He would also deliver a fatal wound to the serpent by bruising his head. D. In connection with this verse, let us examine Galatians 4:4-5. 1. When the time was right, "God sent forth his Son, made of a woman" (vs.4). 2. (vs.5) By suffering as the woman's seed, Jesus made it possible for us to be redeemed and become God's children. II. SECOND, LET US CONSIDER A PASSAGE FROM THE PROPHETS (see Isaiah 53)
A. In this chapter Isaiah wrote about "God's suffering servant." B. We understand from Acts 8 that Isaiah wrote about Jesus and His suffering. C. Isaiah emphasized how Jesus would suffer for our sins. D. Through His suffering Jesus would provide some special blessings: spiritual healing, justification, and intercession. E. Isaiah also showed how God would prolong the days of His suffering servant. III. THIRD, LET US CONSIDER A PASSAGE FROM THE PSALMS (see Psalm 22)
A. In this psalm David wrote about some difficulties He was facing (vs.1-2). B. David also wrote about Jesus and His suffering (vs.7-8, 13-18). C. David mentioned something that Jesus would do with His followers after He suffered (vs.22; Hebrews 2:9-12). Conclusion:
1. When Jesus foretold His suffering He related what had been written years earlier in the Law of Moses, in the prophets, and in the Psalms. 2. After His resurrection He showed how He had fulfilled those prophecies. 3. From the passages we studied we have seen how Jesus suffered on our behalf so we can be forgiven and become God's children. 4. (Luke 24:47) Jesus said that a great message concerning the remission of sins would be preached to all nations, beginning at Jerusalem. 5. That message was first delivered in Jerusalem on Pentecost (Acts 2:36-41).