The Lord's People Must Avoid Worldliness and Division (John 17:6-19)
1. In John 17 we read the prayer that Jesus prayed just before He was arrested. a. (vs.1-5) Jesus prayed on His behalf. b. (vs.6-19) He prayed on behalf of His apostles. c. (vs.20-26) He prayed on behalf of all believers. 2. We are especially concerned with 2 requests that Jesus made on behalf of the apostles. a. Although the apostles were in the world, Jesus prayed that they would be free of "worldliness." b. He also prayed that they would be free of "division." 3. Our society is suffering greatly from "worldliness" and "division." 4. The congregation in Corinth illustrates how these issues can affect the Lord's church. 5. Regardless of what takes place in society, "the Lord's people must avoid worldliness and division." 6. The first point we need to make is that . . . Discussion: I. "WORLDLINESS" AND "DIVISION" ARE SERIOUS ISSUES IN CHRISTIANITY
A. "Worldliness" is addressed in passages such as: 1. Titus 2:11-12 2. 1 John 2:15-17. B. "Division" is addressed in passages such as: 1. Psalm 133:1 2. Ephesians 4:1-3. II. WE LEARN FROM 1 CORINTHIANS THAT THE CHURCH IN CORINTH WAS AFFECTED BY "WORLDLINESS"
A. An immoral man was in this congregation (5:1-2, 9-13). B. Issues between members were taken to court (6:1, 5-6). C. Some members were causing other members to stumble by eating meat that had been offered to idols (8:4, 7, 13). D. Some members denied the resurrection (15:12, 32, 33). III. WE LEARN FROM 1 CORINTHIANS THAT THE CHURCH IN CORINTH WAS ALSO AFFECTED BY "DIVISION"
A. The members were divided into factions (1:10-12; 3:1-4; 4:6). B. Division existed during the Lord's Supper (11:17-21, 26-30). C. The members were divided over their spiritual gifts (12:7-11, 18, 25). IV. WE LEARN FROM 2 CORINTHIANS THAT THE CHURCH IN CORINTH REPENTED
A. The fornicator was disciplined and restored (2:6-8). B. Paul commended their repentance (7:5-11). Conclusion:
1. Our society needs to take heed to the admonitions given in: a. Proverbs 14:34 b. Matthew 12:25. 2. The Lord's people must take heed to the admonitions we have studied that relate to worldliness and division.