Introduction: 1. In Matthew 18:1, the Lord's disciples asked Him a question -- they wanted to know "who is the greatest in the kingdom of heaven?" 2. Jesus answered their question by: a. placing a little child in the midst of the disciples (vs.2) b. explaining that they had to be converted to enter the kingdom (vs.3). 3. The Bible has much to say about "conversion." 4. Thankfully, the book of Acts tells us about a number of conversions. 5. By studying these conversions we can understand what the Lord requires. 6. One example of conversion is recorded in Acts 8:26-39. 7. As we study this example of conversion, we are concentrating on "3 key elements in conversion."
A. This desire must be found in 2 parties. 1. Christians must have this desire. a. Christians are responsible for teaching others the Gospel. b. Philip's teaching indicates that he desired to please God. 2. Non-Christians must also have this desire. a. Non-Christians are those who need to be taught the Gospel. b. The eunuch's actions indicate that he also desired to please God. B. Without this burning desire to please God, conversion will not take place.
A. God's word must be taught for conversion to occur (Romans 10:17). B. On this occasion, Philip taught the Scriptures to the eunuch. 1. The eunuch had been reading from Isaiah. 2. (vs.35) Philip began there and preached "Jesus" to the eunuch. a. (Isaiah 53) Jesus made forgiveness possible by His death. b. We learn from Acts 8:5, 12 that Philip covered some other subjects as he preached Jesus. C. The eunuch is to be commended for studying the Scriptures; however, he needed some assistance from a teacher so he could learn the truth. D. Without the teaching of God's word, conversion will not take place. 1. Teaching God's word is absolutely essential for conversion to occur. 2. However, when God's word is taught, it must be heard correctly [like the good ground – Luke 8:15, 18].
A. To be converted a person must believe that Jesus is God's Son (John 8:24). 1. The eunuch believed what he was taught from the Scriptures. 2. He became convinced that Jesus is the Son of God. B. To be converted a person must repent (Luke 13:3). 1. It is not specifically stated that the eunuch repented in these passages. 2. However, as we observe his actions, we see that he did repent. a. (vs.27) He had been worshipping according to the Law of Moses. b. When he learned the Gospel truth, he changed his ways. C. To be converted a person must confess Christ (Romans 10:10). (vs.37) The eunuch confessed his faith in Christ. D. To be converted a person must be baptized (Mark 16:16; Acts 2:38; Acts 22:16; 1 Peter 3:21). (vs.38) The eunuch allowed Philip to baptize him.
1. The Lord requires us to be converted so we can enter His kingdom (Matthew 18:3). 2. We have seen that certain elements are essential for conversion to occur. a. Do you have a desire to please God? b. Will you obey His will? 3. One final thought: Conversion produces joy (vs.39; Luke 15:10).