1. In this lesson we are examining the information presented in 1 John 4:7-21. 2. As we study this letter we must remember that John wrote it to Christians who were being influenced by false teachers he called "antichrists." a. These people created quite a disturbance in the early church. b. John issued a strong warning against their influence (2:26). 3. Even though the "antichrists" caused serious problems in the early church, John showed: a. in ch.1-2 how a person can know that he has fellowship with God b. in ch.3-4 how a person can know that he is a child [born] of God. 4. John dealt with a number of conditions that must be met by those who desire to be God's true people, but one condition receives special emphasis. 5. What is one way a person can know: a. that he has fellowship with God? (see 2:9-11) b. that he is a child of God? (see 3:10-16, 23) 6. In 4:7-21, John gave a more detailed treatment of "love." a. He wrote about "God's love." b. He showed how God's love is to be reciprocated by His children. Discussion: I. JOHN PRESENTED "GOD'S LOVE" AS THE FOUNDATION OF HIS MESSAGE
A. John indicated that God is the source of love. 1. (vs.7b) "Love is of God." 2. (vs.8b) "God is love." B. John continued by explaining how God demonstrated His love. 1. (vs.9-10) God demonstrated His love by sending His Son into the world to be "the propitiation for our sins." 2. (vs.14) John and his fellow apostles saw and testified that the Father sent Jesus to be our Savior (see 1:1-2). C. In laying the foundation for his message, John wrote about God's love. D. Such love deserves to be reciprocated -- this leads to the next point. II. GOD'S CHILDREN RECIPROCATE HIS LOVE IN 2 WAYS
A. First, God's children reciprocate His love by loving Him (vs.15-19). 1. Why do God's children love Him? (vs.19 -- "because he first loved us"). 2. Those who love God enjoy special blessings. a. (vs.16) Those who love God dwell in Him and vice versa. b. (vs.17) Those who love God will have boldness at the judgment. c. (vs.18) Those who love God overcome fear. 3. God's children love Him because He first loved us. 4. There is another way in which God's children reciprocate His love. B. The second way God's children reciprocate His love is by loving each other. 1. See vs.7a, 11 2. Special blessings are associated with loving God's children. a. vs.7c b. vs.12b-13 3. What about those who do not love God's children? (see vs.8a, 20) C. John concluded his message on love with vs.21. III. ADDITIONAL PASSAGES
A. John 13:34-35 B. Ephesians 5:1-2 C. Colossians 3:12-14 D. 1 Peter 1:22; 4:8