There Is One Lord
1. At the present time we are studying a series of lessons designed to help us know the truth concerning the seven unique subjects listed in Ephesians 4:4-6. 2. Previously, we have examined the "one body," the "one Spirit," and the "one hope." 3. In this lesson we are focusing our attention on the "one Lord" mentioned in vs.5. Discussion: I. LET US FIRST IDENTIFY THE "ONE LORD" A. This is where we need to begin because the Bible uses the word "lord" in different senses. 1. Sometimes "lord" is used in reference to men. a. (1 Peter 3:6) Sarah called Abraham "lord." b. In His parable of the talents Jesus identified one of the characters as "the lord of those servants" (Matthew 25:19). 2. "Lord" is also used in reference to God and Christ. a. God is called "Lord" in Matthew 22:37. b. Christ is also called "Lord." 1) (Luke 2:11) When Jesus was born an angel identified Him to the shepherds as "Christ the Lord." 2) Throughout the New Testament Jesus is called "Lord" many times. a) (Acts 2:36) In his sermon on Pentecost, Peter said that God had made Jesus "both Lord and Christ." b) (Acts 10:36) While he was teaching at the home of Cornelius, Peter also said that Jesus "is Lord of all." B. Who is the "one Lord" mentioned in Ephesians 4:5? 1. In 1 Corinthians 8:6 Jesus is identified as the "one Lord." 2. According to Romans 10:12, Jesus is "the same Lord over all," including the Jew and the Greek. II. AS THE "ONE LORD," JESUS HAS ALL AUTHORITY A. Jesus claimed to have all authority (Matthew 28:18). B. Jesus received His authority from the Father (John 17:1-2). C. Jesus demonstrated His authority in many ways, including: 1. His teaching (Matthew 7:28-29) 2. His miracles (Matthew 8:23-27) 3. His forgiving sins (Matthew 9:1-8) 4. His casting out unclean spirits (Mark 1:23-27). D. Jesus continues to demonstrate His authority through His position as the head of the "one body" (Colossians 1:18). III. AS THE "ONE LORD," JESUS GIVES CERTAIN REQUIREMENTS TO HIS FOLLOWERS A. Examples: 1. He wants every one to confess that He is "Lord" (Philippians 2:9-11). 2. Confessing Jesus as "Lord" is a requirement for salvation (Romans 10:9-10). 3. Just calling Jesus "Lord" is not sufficient -- He requires obedience to: a. the Father's will (Matthew 7:21-27) b. His teaching (Luke 6:46). B. By complying with these and other requirements, we can be prepared for "the day of the Lord" (2 Peter 3:9-14). |