1.In Acts 10 we read about the conversion of Cornelius and his household. a.(vs.3-6) An angel instructed him to send for Peter who was in Joppa. b.(vs.19-20) Peter was instructed to go with the men sent by Cornelius. c.We are especially interested in something Cornelius did while he waited for Peter -- he "called together his kinsmen and near friends" (vs.24). d.Cornelius wanted his friends and family to be present for that special occasion when Peter preached the Gospel. 2.Today is a special day for the Greater Daytona congregation -- one year ago, God made it possible for us to begin worshipping in our meeting place. 3.Earlier this year we decided to do what Cornelius did -- we have invited friends and family members to worship with us on this special occasion. 4.Since today is "Friends and Family Day," it seems appropriate for us to study passages that teach us about "the friends and family of Christ." 5.Let us begin by examining several verses that relate to . . .
A.The Bible shows that true friends are a special blessing. 1.(Proverbs 17:17) "A friend loveth at all times." 2.(Proverbs 18:24) "There is a friend that sticketh closer than a brother." B.During His ministry Jesus had a number of friends. 1.We learn from Luke 8:1-3 that a number of women "ministered unto him of their substance." 2.According to John 11, Jesus was very close to Lazarus, Martha, and Mary. 3.In John 15:15 Jesus stated that the apostles were His friends. 4.These people, and many more, were blessed because they were the Lord's friends. C.In John 15:13-14, Jesus showed us how we can be His friends. 1.(vs.13) Jesus touched on just how much He loves His friends. a.As a friend, does He love at all times? b.As a friend, does He stick closer than a brother? 2.(vs.14) Jesus identified His friends as those who do what He commands. a.He wants us to love Him at all times. b.He wants us to stick closer to Him than a brother. D.Perhaps these verses will help us appreciate some statements made about Abraham in James 2:21-23. E.Let us turn our attention to verses that relate to . . .
A.Jesus came from a special family. 1.(Matthew 1) His genealogy is traced through Joseph to Abraham. 2.(Luke 3) His genealogy is traced through Mary to Adam. 3.His immediate family members are listed in Mark 6:3. B.On an earlier occasion, when the Lord's family members wanted to see Him, He identified the members of His spiritual family (Mark 3:31-35). C.Vs.35 shows us that the Lord's spiritual relatives are those who do God's will.
1.We appreciate our friends, and we appreciate our families. 2.The Bible teaches us how we can be "the friends and family of Christ." 3.His friends and His relatives are those who do His will. 4.In the Great Commission Jesus taught us how to be saved (Mark 16:16). 5.Are you a friend of Jesus? 6.Are you one of His relatives?