The Faith of Elisha
1. In Hebrews 11:32 "the prophets" are mentioned in connection with their faith. 2. One of the greatest prophets was Elijah. a. Elijah served as a prophet during a difficult time in Israel's history. b. However, God accomplished a number of mighty works through Elijah. c. Elijah demonstrated great faith on several occasions. 3. Elisha succeeded Elijah as God's prophet to Israel. a. Elisha was similar to Elijah in a number of ways. b. Elisha served as a prophet during a difficult time. c. God accomplished a number of mighty works through Elisha. d. Elisha demonstrated great faith on several occasions. Discussion: I. (1 Kings 19:15-16) GOD INSTRUCTED ELIJAH TO APPOINT ELISHA AS HIS SUCCESSOR II. (1 Kings 19:19-21) ELIJAH CALLED ELISHA III. (2 Kings 2:1-15) ELISHA WAS PRESENT WHEN ELIJAH "WENT UP BY A WHIRLWIND INTO HEAVEN" IV. (2 Kings 2:23-25) ELISHA WAS MOCKED BY SOME CHILDREN V. (2 Kings 4:1-7) THE WIDOW'S OIL WAS MULTIPLIED VI. (2 Kings 4:8-37) ELISHA AND THE WOMAN OF SHUNEM A. (vs.8-10) This woman cared for Elisha. B. (vs.11-17) Elisha informed her that she would have a son. C. (vs.18-37) The woman's son died, but Elisha brought him back to life. |