1. The principle revealed in Romans 8:28 is illustrated many times in the Bible. 2. Although several great illustrations are recorded in Genesis, we are focusing our attention on Joseph. 3. In this lesson we are covering the information presented in ch.37. Discussion: I. AT THE TIME JACOB LIVED IN CANAAN (vs.1)
A. Jacob had left his family years earlier when Esau threatened to kill him. B. While Jacob lived in Padanaram he was blessed with a large family, and he became wealthy. C. Eventually, God directed Jacob to return to his homeland, and he did so (35:27). D. God had promised to give this land to Abraham, Isaac, Jacob, and their descendants. E. Abraham and Isaac had sojourned in Canaan, and now Jacob was living there. II. VS.2a MENTIONS "THE GENERATIONS OF JACOB"
A. Jacob's sons are listed in 35:23-26. B. Esau's descendants are listed in ch.36. C. Ch.37 returns to a study of Jacob's descendants with special attention given to Joseph. D. The rest of Genesis shows how Joseph played a key role in preserving his family in Egypt. III. (vs.2b-4) JOSEPH'S FAMILY SITUATION WAS NOT GOOD
A. When Joseph was 17 years old, he and his brothers were taking care of their father's animals. B. Specifically, Joseph was with the sons of Bilhah and Zilpah. C. Keep in mind that Joseph was Rachel's son, and Jacob loved her more than his other wives. D. Joseph presented a bad report about his brothers to Jacob. E. Vs.3 shows how Jacob felt toward Joseph. F. Vs.4 shows how Joseph's brothers felt toward him. G. Joseph's family situation was not good, but it got worse. IV. (vs.5-11) JOSEPH HAD DREAMS ABOUT THE FUTURE
A. These dreams had to do with Joseph's family bowing before him. B. Joseph's brothers hated him even more strongly and were jealous of him. C. Jacob even rebuked Joseph and questioned him about his dream. V. (vs.12-17) JACOB SENT JOSEPH TO CHECK ON HIS BROTHERS
A. Jacob's animals had been taken to Shechem. 1. (33:18-19) Jacob had bought property in Shechem. 2. This is the place where Dinah was violated and Jacob's sons took vengeance on the people who lived there. B. Perhaps Jacob was concerned that someone might attack his sons because of what had happened earlier. VI. (vs.18-22) JOSEPH'S BROTHERS CONSPIRED AGAINST HIM
A. The plan was to kill Joseph. B. Thankfully, Reuben changed their minds -- his plan was to rescue Joseph. VII. (vs.23-28) JOSEPH WAS SOLD AS A SLAVE
A. A caravan of merchantmen was traveling to Egypt. B. Judah suggested that they sell Joseph to these traders, and his brothers agreed with him. C. They sold Joseph for 20 pieces of silver. VIII. (vs.29-33) JOSEPH'S BROTHERS DECEIVED JACOB IX. (vs.34-35) JACOB GRIEVED OVER JOSEPH X. (vs.36) JOSEPH WAS TAKEN TO EGYPT AND SOLD TO POTIPHAR Conclusion:
1. This chapter begins with Jacob and his family living in Canaan, and it ends with Joseph in Egypt, but God's providence was at work. 2. God's will was being accomplished (see 15:13-14), and Joseph would play a key role.