The Fruit of the Spirit 09
1. "The fruit of the Spirit" consists of 9 characteristics listed in Galatians 5:22-23. 2. "Meekness" is the eighth of these special characteristics. Discussion: I. THE BIBLE TEACHES CHRISTIANS TO BE MEEK A. Ephesians 4:1-3 B. Colossians 3:12-13 C. Titus 3:1-2 II. MEEKNESS DEFINED A. Meekness: a gentle, mild, and patient spirit that Christians are to manifest at all times toward all people. 1. Meekness has been described as "strength under control." 2. Meekness does not imply "weakness." 3. A meek person does not assert himself or his selfish interests. B. Much can be learned about meekness by examining meek Bible characters. 1. Moses was meek (Numbers 12:3). a. Later, a lack of meekness caused Moses to sin (Numbers 20:1-12). b. Moses shows us that meekness must be demonstrated at all times, especially during stressful situations. 2. Jesus was meek (Matthew 11:29; 21:4-5). a. Later, Jesus cleansed the temple (Matthew 21:12-13). b. Jesus shows us that meekness does not mean that: 1) error may be condoned 2) truth may be compromised. III. THE BIBLE MENTIONS A NUMBER OF OCCASIONS WHEN CHRISTIANS ARE TO DEMONSTRATE MEEKNESS A. In general, a Christian is to demonstrate meekness in his entire manner of life (James 3:13; 1 Peter 3:3-4). B. More specifically, Christians are to demonstrate meekness when: 1. receiving God's word (James 1:21) 2. answering questions (1 Peter 3:15) 3. instructing those who oppose themselves (2 Timothy 2:23-26) 4. restoring someone overtaken in a fault (Galatians 6:1). IV. MANY SPECIAL BLESSINGS ARE PROMISED TO THE MEEK A. Psalm 22:26 B. Psalm 25:9 C. Psalm 37:11 D. Psalm 147:6 E. Psalm 149:4 F. Matthew 5:5 |