1. Before he died, Joshua called upon the Israelites to make a choice (vs.15). 2. The Israelites made the right choice when they said they would serve the Lord (vs.18b, 21, 24). 3. We have something in common with the Israelites -- we have to make choices, decisions, and judgments. 4. The Bible reveals many guidelines that will help us make good choices, good decisions, and good judgments. 5. This morning we considered "3 positive guidelines." 6. This evening we are concentrating on "3 negative guidelines." 7. Unfortunately, the Israelites made many bad choices, bad decisions, and bad judgments. 8. We must avoid their mistakes. Discussion: I. WE MUST NOT FOLLOW THE WILL OF THE MAJORITY WHEN MAKING CHOICES, DECISIONS, AND JUDGMENTS
A. This guideline is addressed in Exodus 23:2. B. To illustrate, Aaron gave in to the will of the people when he made the golden calf (Exodus 32:1-6, 19-24, 35). C. Let us remember what Jesus said about the destiny of the majority at the judgment (Matthew 7:13-14). II. WE MUST AVOID A HASTY SPIRIT WHEN MAKING CHOICES, DECISIONS, AND JUDGMENTS
A. This guideline is addressed in Proverbs 25:8. B. To illustrate, Moses allowed a hasty spirit to cause him to strike the rock (Numbers 20:1-12). III. WE MUST NOT OVERLOOK COUNSEL FROM GOD WHEN MAKING CHOICES, DECISIONS, AND JUDGMENTS
A. This guideline is addressed in Isaiah 30:1-2. B. To illustrate, the Israelites did not seek counsel from God when they accepted the Gibeonites (Joshua 9:3-18). Conclusion:
1. When we make choices, decisions, and judgments,: a. let us not follow the will of the majority b. let us avoid a hasty spirit c. let us not overlook counsel from God. 2. Positively,: a. let us seek wisdom from God b. let us trust in God completely c. let us talk to God through prayer.